Chapter 17

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Veni. Vidi. Vici.
I came. I saw. I conquered.

~Julius Caesar~

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Three days after Homecoming, Kailee's siblings arrived in Mystic Falls with a huge surprise for her.

"Kailee." Björn had said. "Don't freak out."

"Don't freak out?" She had exclaimed, looking at the oldest woman. "You're telling me not to freak out when you brought your mother with you?"

"I'm your mother as well." The woman softly said.

"No! You're not!" Kailee said, stepping back as Jessica stepped closer to her. "A mother protects her child, it doesn't look the other way when her husband is beating her child."

"Kailee, you have to understand. I could not do anything." She tried to reason with her daughter.

"No! You could! You were the only one who could, who had the power to do that." The younger mother said. "I want you out."

"Kailee-" Freya, the youngest of the twins.

"No, Freya! Ayanna is in the hospital because that woman wouldn't do anything to stop her husband." Sylvi said, backing her oldest sister up. "I do not care that you are pregnant with my sibling, I do not care that you paid for Ayanna's hospitalisation, I do not care you are my mother. I want you gone."

"Sylvi!" Jessica exclaimed with wide eyes. "Th-"

"Gone, Jessica! I want you gone, out of my life and out of my siblings' life." Sylvi snapped. "Ayanna hates you, I hate you and Kailee hates you."

"I hate you as well." Björn said with a soft voice. "Freya does as well, she just doesn't want to admit it. She's too good for that."

"I see." Jessica had said. "I'll be gone then."

"Jessica." Kailee called her attention when she was at the door. She flashed to the woman at the door and looked in her eyes. "When you give birth to my sibling, you will come to me and give me the child. You will sign over all rights to me and not think back on it."

"I will give you my child." Jessica repeated.

"Good. Leave."

"You're-" Björn started but Kailee but him off.

"I need to explain some things to you." She sighed, looking down. "A lot of things."

Now, nearly a month later, her siblings lived on the floor beneath her as she still lived with Henrik and her children on the top floor. Her siblings were only in their own apartments to sleep but after coming home from school and dinner and such, they came to the top floor.

Homecoming had passed by quickly and things settled. Rebekah was still daggered, according to Klaus, and his family was still with Stefan. She wanted to see Elijah again but understood that Niklaus could not wake him when he was not in his possession.

Another thing that had changed. Niklaus came to visit her often at the apartment and spend time with Henrik and the youngest Mikealsons. He also loved spending time with Ayanna and Freya, saying that they were the nicest girls he had met.

Time passed and she found herself missing her husband more and more and yearned for his touch quite often. Every night, she wished she could fall asleep in his arms but he never was there.

She knew that he wouldn't remember her when he woke up but she had hope she didn't need to wait long.

When Niklaus was renovating his mansion, he held Kailee's love for dance in the back of his mind and turned one of the rooms into a dance room with mirrors being the four walls of the room. He bought an entire sound system, making sure it could connect to her phone as well as opening his studio to her so she could draw there if she wanted to.

He had gotten her a key she could use so she could come dance or draw whenever she wanted which she put to use like the evening she came in and found Niklaus surrounded by coffins.


"Stefan returned my coffins." He told her, not looking up. "I want to wake them, I do. I just want to make this a safe place for them, can you understand that?"

"I can but you know that you can not make this a safe place alone."

"I know. I am afraid." He admitted.

"You don't have to be. They are your family. Family is love. Is power. Is loyalty." She put a hand on his shoulder gently. "Family should stick together. Like mine has."

"You know, your mother being pregnant again-"

"I compelled her to give me the child and to sign over the rights to me. I do not trust her with another child, she already neglected me and my siblings."

"That's a big step."

"A necessary step. I really don't trust her with another child. I have had to endure abuse for years because she didn't lift a finger to stop him while she was the only one who had the power to do so." Kailee sighed. "I'm a mother myself but I would never allow anyone to hurt my children if I have the power to stop them."

"You are a great mother, Kailee. It is one of my many reasons to admire you." He chuckled. "You know, before you married my brother I fell in love with you."

"I know. I've always known." The brunette looked down. "I was flattered by it but I always knew we wouldn't have worked."

"No, we wouldn't have. Later, I figured out that I wasn't in love with you. I was in love with your understanding." He said, bumping his shoulder into hers. "You undertstand me like no other does. There is no one I could go to, to talk about my problems growing up except for you. You are the only one I can actually talk to."

"How nice." A voice behind them said.

Turning around, Kailee was shocked to see her husband awake. Looking at her brother in law, she could see she wasn't the only one shocked.





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