Dreams Come True - One Direction FanFiction

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This is my first fanfiction ever so no judging :)

Tayla’s POV

It was about 9:30 on a Sunday morning, I don’t know what I’m doing up this early but I think it has something to do with the glorious smelling food filling the air.

I manage to drag myself out of bed and down the hall to the kitchen. As I look into the kitchen I see both of my parents cooking. ODD, my parents don’t cook. “Morning” I say sheepishly, giving a faint smile before sitting myself down on one of the kitchen stools. I hear my mum giggle a little before looking at my dad and walking over to me with an envelope in her hands.

Dad follows closely behind and before I know it both of my parents are standing right in front me of me with massive smiles on the faces, almost as big as the Cheshire cat.

What the fuck? Is what I think but I end up just saying “what?”, mum hands me the envelope and on the front it reads ‘Tayla’ I frown slightly before turning it over and start to open it.

My fingers find 2 pieces of expensive feeling card like rectangles and I pull them out of the envelope very slowly. I put my hand over my mouth as I look at them and the biggest smile creeps across my face. I have been waiting so long for this. I have to tell Dani.

Dani is my best friend she is short with short brown hair and very stunning, pretty much the opposite of me, I’m tall…ish with long blonde hair.

Anyway I run to my room and quickly get changed, not bothering to eat the food my parents have cooked me I bolt out of the house with the envelope grasped in my hand.

I run as fast as I can to Dani’s house, which thank god is only down the street because I don’t run. Ever.

I run up the steps and knock on the front door before taking a step back and trying to catch a few breaths, that was a big run.

Dani’s mum opens the door and before she asks why I’m hear I politely cut her off by saying “is Dani home?” she smiles at me and points up stairs before yelling Dani’s name.

Dani wanders out of her bedroom and looks at me from the top of the stairs. She looks like a sloth, a very pretty sloth of course. “What are you doing here? I look like a sloth so no photos” Dani’s says, she is so random sometimes.. Well at least she knows she looks like a sloth.

I lift the envelope up so she can see it, “what is that?” she asks confused, I quickly open the envelope and find the 2 pieces of expensive feeling card like rectangles and pull them out, another smile drifts across my face. I look up to see Dani’s facial expressions.

Her jaw drops and she drops to the ground in happiness. I giggle before making my way up the stairs not to fast because I’m still tired from the run and find my best friend rolling around on the floor.

She stops for 2 seconds and looks at me before pulling me down with her. After a few minutes of both of us rolling on the ground in happiness like idiots we calm down with 2 smiles plastered along our faces. “Dani” I say to get her attention. She looks at me “We are going to One Direction”.

Dani’s POV

OHMYGOSH I CANT BREATHE. 1 year 6 months and 14 days have Tayla and I been waiting for these tickets and finally they are here. Holy Crap.

We will be at the One Direction concert in less then a month’s time. WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR? Don’t stress yet Dani we still have time…

Tayla and I were still lying on the ground, but we were just looking up at the ceiling with massive smiles not saying a word. We are both speechless.

I sit up and look at my best friend, she sits up to and I give her the biggest hug. After our hug her smile drops “what are we going to wear? How are we having our hair? We need to stand out! Oh my god I’m not prepared for this shit yet!” she starts to panic, bitch read my mind. Such drama queens we are.

She hops up and pulls me up with her. We both new what today was, SHOPPING DAY!!! For outfits to wear to One Direction.

I go and have a shower while Tayla calls her mum to let her know what’s happening. In the shower I still cannot wipe the smile off of my face. This is going to be the best.

After I hop out and start to get ready Tayla jumps in to the shower.

Fuck, we are going to town that means I have to put make up on, god dammit. That’s so annoying.

I’m sitting in front of the mirror doing my hair and make up when Tayla comes in behind me and says “Dani we need to stand out right? Why don’t we make them a documentary about us?!” she has a brilliant mind.

“YES PERFECT!” I happy yell at her.

We chat a bit more about what we should do in it to make it cool because we are cool obviously and before we know it we are out the house and heading on into town.

Towns a cool place isn’t it – not. I hate almost everyone here and so does Tayla, some people are so feral these days. Anyway I found this mega cool outfit in one of the stores, which looks great. It’s like overalls but not just any overalls it has rips in it and its like ombre, and underneath I think I will wear a top I already have at home. A plain half singlet or t-shirt will work. I’m also going to wear my black converse with it.

Tayla finds like a jumpsuit/playsuit which is really cute and suits her perfectly, she will also wear her black converse, MATCHING.

“We have spent 4 hours shopping and I have not shopped for food once… Tayla if food does not find my stomach soon I will flip” I moan, I am starving.

She laughs at me “I’m starving to”.

MMM NANDOS, I love Nandos so much, its like my life I’m pretty sure that’s how Tayla and I first bonded we definitely do love our food.

As we walk into Nandos we see some people from school, shit. It would be okay if we were friends with them but they are bitches from hell, fuck a duck.

Tayla and I walk past them about to go into another room so that we aren’t near them before I hear one of them say “hah, oh my god she is fatter then a pig” I look down a bit insecure, before looking at them. One of the short ones pipe up and say “oh not you Dani, the whale next to you” that table turns into a table of laughter.

Fuck no they didn’t.

I look at Tayla and can see water swelling up in her eyes, how dare they say my best friend is fat.

I become really angry really quickly, I go over to another table where I find a full jug of water I pick it up and walk back over to the table of laughing bitches. “oh hey, uhm you have a bit of sauce in your hair let me fix that for you” I smile sarcastically before tipping the entire jug of water over the queen bitches head.

I turn back to Tayla whose facial expression has lightened a little “Serves her right, fucking cow” before we both turn to go and enjoy a beautiful Nandos meal.

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