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Tayla’s POV

Dani and I have spent almost one day with the boys in LA and have only seen them probably once. They are so busy. They have had like 4 interviews today already this would be their 5th.

Dani and I are just sitting back stage with Lou and Paul and lots of other people watch the   TV screen that the boys are on. Where like 100 photos come up on the screen behind them of Dani and I with them. “oh my god Dani” I start laughing because I don’t know why its just funny, and she tells me to hush up because she wants to hear what they are about to say.

Interviewer – “Now, boys, who are these 2 lovely good looking girls?”

Louis – “There our friends, we met them down in Adelaide”

Liam – “They are the nicest people, so we asked them to come with us for a little bit”

Interviewer – “Niall and Harry, you guys are seen a lot with these two” Raising his eyebrow

Harry – “Tayla, the blonde one is the most beautiful person, I actually love her so much. She is the best”

Niall – “Dani, the other one with brown hair is the same”

Zayn – “we all really like the girls, so yeah”

Interviewer – “They look lovely, Niall Harry get in there”

Chuckles come from all 6 boys including the interviewer. Pervy statement.

Harry – “Maybe”

Niall – “it depends”

Is all Niall and Harry have to say.

I look at Dani, her wides are wide open and her mouth is slightly open she is also smiling a tad. She sees me in her peripheral vision and turns to me smiling. “Don’t get your hopes up babe, he said it depends” I say to her hugging her. “No, Tayla I know about that I mean that the whole world knows us” she says smiling.

I take that moment to log into my twitter account and scroll through. She is right. Almost every One Direction account knows about us. Most are defending us, but some others really do not like us, plus I have gained 1000s of followers.

I decide to make a tweet

taylaHprime - Backstage with the beautiful @louteasdale and @daniAkinggg, watching the boys on the big screen :) xo

With the tweet I send a photo of Lou, Dani and I and wait.

In the next few seconds my phone goes crazy. Wow.

While I show Dani my phone, the boys come off stage. Harry wraps his arms around me, “What ya looking at?” he says smirking. “My twitter, its going crazy” I say giggling. “Get use to it” is all he says before kissing me on the cheek and going to grab a drink.

I look at my phone again and see

Harry_Styles – Last interview for the day, now to spend some time with the girls and the lads

I walk up to Harry and hug him for behind “coffee would be nice” I say whispering into his ear. FLASH FLASH, oh someone took a picture. Okay, going to have to get use to that to.

“Who said you were invited? Joking anything for you” He smiles at me.

Dani’s POV


Anyway, everyone is in a coffee shop at the moment drinking coffee and talking about today. I’m sitting next to Niall of course, but I’m struggling to keep the question in. depends on what Niall keeps running through my head, I cant ask him because I just cant. But I’m struggling to not say it.

I lean over to him and shake my head to myself, here it comes.

“Niall?” I say my voice shaking slightly. No one else is listening thank god.

“Yes” he looks into my eyes.

“Depends on what?” I say to him, pausing in the middle.

He smiles and hugs me from the side. My heap slips into his neck and he wraps his arms around me “depends on whether I want to lose you” he all he says before kissing the top of my head.

What? I don’t really understand his last comment. What do you mean lose me. Niall, speak English. I do not understand. I will ask Tayla later.

I look up at him and smile.

I then go back to drinking my coffee.

“Is it always like this?” I hear Tayla’s voice from the opposite side of the table. She is frowning slightly and looking at all the boys. “The paps, are they always everywhere watching you every move?” she finishes.

“It depends, I recon it’s only like this because of you two it should die down a little in the next few days” Harry says to her wrapping his arm around her.

The paps are really annoying, and from what they did to Niall. I REALLY DISLIKE THEM.

Tayla’s POV

After coffee we go back to a hotel to get set up for the night. We are all in this massive apartment but there is a lot of bedrooms with in the apartment in the hotel. It’s hard to explain.

There is 8 rooms with king sized beds. That’s a lot.

The 5 boys take up 5, then Paul has one, Lou will have one with her baby girl Lux and the rest of the stylists take the other. That’s all 8.

Where are Dani and I sleeping?

I go over to a cupboard with extra pillows and blankets in them and pull them out for Dani and I to sleep on the ground. “What are you doing?” Harry stands behind me slightly confused with his arms crossed. “Setting up mine and Danis beds” I answer him.

Harry goes over to everything I pulled out and puts it back into the cupboard. “Niall and I both have a kingsizedbed” he says walking into the room he chose.

I sat on the couch, I don’t really know what to do. I mean I want to sleep on Harry’s bed but I just have a doubtful feeling. “Whats up?” Dani comes and sits next to me. “Harry said that he and Niall have kingsized beds” I tell Dani still looking down. “and? Your having doubts whether or not to sleep with Harry?” she answered me knowing exactly what I was thinking.

“look, I’m going to sleep with Niall because I do not want to be grumpy. Besides Tayla you and Harry are just friends, its not like he’s asking you to do shit, he’s just offering a comfier place to sleep” she says.

She’s right. I shouldn’t be stressing. She walks into the kitchen so I decide to go into Harry’s room. I walk in and flop myself onto his bed. This was a lot comfier. He was just sitting there on his phone. It’s silent for a few moments until I feel Harry pull my arms. He pulls me into his lap, I rest my head in his neck and he rests his head on top of mine. 

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