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Dani’s POV

No they are not coming to school tomorrow. NO.

I look at Tayla, to see her buried in her phone what is she doing. Probably checking Facebook. “What? Why?” are you joking me.

“HAHAH we are going to many schools, but we requested yours first!” Zayn laughs. Oh for fuck sake.

“ohmygod Dani, check your Facebook. I’m not kidding like every single girl we know, plus some that we don’t know are like mobbing us on Facebook, how do they even know we were with you guys!” Tayla says sitting up out of chair. I quickly open my phone, holy shit.

“So much hate, ouch” She says quietly scrolling through her phone. Oh fuck now we cant even go to school.

Zayn and Louis look at us and there smiles slowly fade. “You alright?” Louis asks us. YES BUT NO, BUT YES. ARGH.

Tayla’s POV

I cant even. I cant even go to school. Thank you?

“Its okay girls, you will be fine! Make sure you come say Hi tomorrow and if you don’t we will!” Zayn says smiling at us.

Okay sure.

Tayla’s POV

Argh no! we have school. I drag myself out of bed, this is going to be the worst day of my life. Everyone is going to want to kill Dani and I. This also means I have to see Harry. I don’t want to say goodbye, but then again Zayn and Louis came back.

I get into the shower, and wash my long blonde hair. I get out get dressed and put some make up on.

I refuse to go to school by myself.

Text Message – The Sexy Friend <3

Lets carpool, I am not going to school alone. Xo Will pick you up at 8, be ready


School starts at 8:30, and Dani only lives about 5 minutes away from school. So hopefully not many people will be there.

At least no one knows that One Direction are coming I suppose.

I rock up at Dani’s house dead on 8, and Dani comes out on time. Weird.. she must also be nervous.

She hops in and has a short conversation with my mum. 3 minutes later we arrive at school, argh.

“Don’t be nervous girls, everything will be okay” Mum informs us as we grab our bags and watch her drive away.

We look at each other for a few seconds, okay lets do this.

We walk to our lockers together, and keep our heads down. We know people are staring but, I don’t want to look at them. A bunch of girls come running up to us and start bombarding us with questions. Dani pushes her way out of the crowd “No I will not introduce you to them!” she yells back at their questions I follow her out “no!”. We run to the bathrooms. I will not spend my entire day like this.

Fuck me dead.

After a few minutes we come out, and see if the coast is clear. We walk to class together and promise not to leave each other once. I don’t really know how people knew we were with them in the first class. Sneaky paps.

In the morning the teachers had announced that One Direction were coming at lunch. Oh good.

Everything was going swell until the boys turned up. They turned up a few minutes before lunch, and as soon as the bell rang people ran to them! People were being injured and everything. Wow.

Zayn asked us to go say hi so Dani and I made our way up to where they were. I stopped half way “Dani, I can’t” I say nervously and shaking my head. To be honest if he has forgotten about me then he wont even recognise me. I am really nervous. “Come on, hold my hand it will be okay” Dani comforts me taking my hand and dragging me along.

We reach the gratton lawns, which was where the boys were. It was set out like this, imagine like a giant lawn area trapped by buildings, then all the fans are around the perimeter and the boys slowly making there way around. Well yeah. WOah.

Dani and I walked up to the end of one of the sides “I see Lou! I really want to say Hi!” I say to Dani, Lou was on the opposite side. Well great. I will just call her.

After I have called Lou and she has made her way across, she sees the boys coming closer to us “Tayla, don’t freak okay! Good luck” she calls to me before running back to the other side.

I am getting teary and I’m only watching him take photos with other girls. Fuck one of them just kissed him on the cheek. Harry I miss you.

I tried to forget about Harry and look at the other boys, they are all so cute. Zayn spots me and runs across to pick me up and hug me bringing me out of the mob of girls and into the open space with him and the other boys, he does the same to Dani. Followed by Louis and Liam. Niall and Harry have not seen us yet. I hear things being yelled at Dani and I as the boys talk to us and ask us how we are doing.

They are great friends.

A few seconds later I look over at Dani, she is looking at Niall. I watch as Niall notices her and runs over to her tackling her to the ground, is he crying? I smile at the scene in front of me. He gets up and helps her up. They both have the biggest smiles on their faces. He swings her around while she giggles. AWH.

While I was watching the cute scene in front of me I hadn’t noticed Harry who was staring at me. My smile fades and I look away for a few seconds before looking back at him. What do I do, he is just standing there staring with a blank face. I turn back to Liam, Louis and Zayn for some kind of help.

When I look back at him he is signing something for my friend Eliza, she smiles at me before taking a photo with Harry. He looks back at me.

A tear slides down my face. Not again.

I wipe it away quickly before he comes running over. He brings me in for a hug. “I am so sorry Tayla” is all he says. I break into tears but bury my head into his neck, not letting anyone to see.

We come apart and he wipes my tears away. “Get yours and Dani’s bags and go sit in the car, your coming with us” he says. I smile and tell Dani.

We walk back to our lockers and grab our bags before making our way to the car. We watch from the car as the boys say goodbyes one last time. They are really good at their job.

A few minutes later Niall and Harry jump into the car with Dani and I. Dani and Niall start talking like straight away and Harry pulls me in for another hug. Not going to lie he gives awesome hugs.

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