Tonight part 2

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Dani’s POV

So the building is getting pretty packed at the moment, and its getting hot already…oh shit.

So many girls here that are way to over obsessed, chill out. Who am I kidding I’m so excited but not obsessed just dedicated. Tayla and I were so lucky in sound check, I mean seriously. It will never happen again and it couldn’t have been better.

This is hilarious. Every time One Direction comes on the screen everyone in the audience screams, stupid noobs they aren’t coming out till later dickheads, hahahah.

Tayla is enjoying herself laughing at all the random’s she is so fascinating.

Tonight it going to be a ball of fun, a line of happiness, the line goes in One Direction. Get it. wow. That was so lame. Don’t even. I would understand if you de-friended me at this point, I would to.

Oh my god stop screaming, they are not coming out until later I just told you that.

“hahah idiots, how many times can they be fooled” Tayla chuckles into my ear. “I..I don know, I mean seriously” I answer her laughing back.

“I LOVE THIS SONG!” Tayla screams at me. She starts to sing and I decide to sing along. “All the single ladies woah oh oh!”. Tayla and I being the sloths we are decide to dance the routine as well as sing. We are dancers just in case you didn’t catch on. That’s our hobbie. I spose.

Tayla’s POV

People stop staring at us, we are dancing having fun maybe you should try it sometime. My god people are so rude.

*Half an hour later*

“OMG WE ARE STARTING!” I scream, “no, not really.. its only 5SOS” Dani answers me a little bored. She is so frustrating sometimes, oh I know what it is! Her blood sugars. Dani is diabetic and when she gets low she gets like this.

“Dani, check your blood sugars you seem grumpy” I tell her. So she pulls it out and starts to check them. Yes I’m a good guesser she low, although don’t know how we ate heaps of shit before it started. Hmm.

I look at over Dani to see her scoffing her face with jelly-beans, she amuses me.

I like watching her eat its like watching animal planet.

I don’t know any 5sos songs so I just clapped along trying not to jump to much to keep myself for One Direction, Dani on the other hand was not. I think the jelly-beans kicked in.

An hour later 5sos finished. Screams flooded the building along with clapping, followed by the lights coming on and the stage lights to go out. Less than an hour. That’s all I have to wait. So excited. Can not deal.

“I’m hungry” Dani complains to me, “your always hungry! But I am too hahah” I answer her. We both start to chuckle and walk out to get some drinks and food to bring with us, as they have to last until the end.

 Hey guys, can you give me feedback on what you think? xo

Dani’s POV

2 minutes left baby. Tayla and I are already on out feet jumping, way to excited. Although we are in the middle of the building and the boys probably wont even see us. They will be flying over our head and we will only be about a metre away from them on the second stage. Way to excited.

“OHMYGODTAYLATHEVIDEOISPLAYING20SECONDSSOMEONEHELPMEICAN’TBREATHE” I scream way to fast for anyone to hear, but Tayla being my best friend understands and knew exactly what I said “IKNOWOHNMYGODUPALLNIGHTISSTARTING5SECONDS” she answers and just as she finishes and has time to take on more breathe the boys are out on stage.

The concert has officially started and we are living our dream

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