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Dani’s POV

The boys must have left early this morning because Tayla, Lou and I are the only ones still inside the apartment.

I walk into Harry’s room to get Tayla, Lou is sitting on the bed watching TV with Lux and Tayla is still sleeping, but only just.

“Morning Lou! Where are the boys?” I say happily as I walk into the room and sit on Harry’s bed between Lou and Tayla. “Morning Dani, they went early this morning to an interview. We will meet them at the concert venue later” She says looking at me and smiling. “Have you eaten?” I reply to her. Both Lou and Lux shake their heads. “I’m on it” I say getting up and walking out.

I decide to make Tayla food to; she will wake up once she smells it anyway.

I think today will be a girl’s day in Harry’s room.

The only thing I really know how to make is eggs and bacon. So I decide to add fruit and yogurt to it.

I come back in half an hour later with, 4 plates of food and drinks. Tayla is awake like I said and Lou’s face lights up when she sees the food I have prepared.

I smile and pop it all on the bed, gently not letting it spill.

Lou grabs Lux’s plate and feeds it to her, quickly so that she can eat hers. Tayla and I decide to wait for Lou, so that Lux can have the TV while we eat.

“Morning Tayla, sleep well?” I smile at my best friend hugging her and then winking. She giggles. “Morning Dani!, and yes I slept like a baby!” she says back, knowing at what I’m targeting.

Lou, finishes with Lux a little while later and Lux sits in front of the TV in Harry’s room.

Lou grabs her plate and Tayla and I do the same. “So, how did you two sleep?” Lou says raising her eyebrow. “It was great, perfect actually we went to bed and he turned the TV on so I hit him with a pillow then he tickled me and we had a mini pillow fight, and then cuddled as we fell asleep” I blurt out. I didn’t really care how much Tayla and Lou knew because I trust them.

“I mean I know we are just friends, but I feel like he wants more than that. He always like does the first move, I don’t know its weird” I finish. “I understand, I can kind of see it. But I have known him for a while so” Lou says to me after I had finished.

“I had a really good night, he started off by pulling me to him and cuddling, then we spoke about everything and I told him about my life with you Dani and just everything, then I fell asleep on his chest, It wasn’t much but I liked it” Tayla says smiling the whole way through.

“He is a cutie” Lou says to her. “Girls, just don’t get to attached okay, the boys will never hurt you but you know how you didn’t want to say goodbye, its going to have to happen sometime, the less attached the better” She smiles and takes a sip of her drink.

We spend the next hour jumping up and down on Harry’s bed with music pumping very loud.

That was so much fun.

Tayla’s POV

After the loud music we decided to watch a movie, the movie ended up being some cartoon on TV for Lux because there were no movies in the apartment.

“Anyone want pizza” I say, holding my stomach. YES I only ate an hour ago, and yes I am hungry again.

Dani’s eyes widen I know what that means.

I pass the phone to Lou “I am not ordering it and neither is Dani” I tell Lou raising my eyebrow.

Lou sighs and orders 3 pizzas. One with just cheese, one margarita and one meat lovers. YUMO.

After Lou hangs up, I run out to the door and just sit there staring at it until I hear a knock.

I sat there for 10 minutes, before opening the door and got given Pizza’s, I paid for them and went back into Harry’s room. “THE PIZZA IS HERE!” I yell out. I know they are in the same room but its pizza I mean come on.

We sit there and start to pig out on pizza I really don’t know why we needed 3 pizza’s for 3 and a half of us. Very unnecessary, but again its pizza.

I was only up to my second piece of pizza when Harry him self walks into the room. “Uhm what the fuck is going on in here?” He says kind of smiling. Dani shoves pizza in her mouth and Lou hides under the covers. “Party?” I say awkwardly.

He smiles and comes over to the side I’m lying on he picks me up “HAROLD!” I scream half laughing half freaking. Dani watches and laughs and Lou decided to come out from under the covers.

Harry was just about to spin me around, when Lux comes up to him and hits him on the leg. He and I look down “Don’t hurt her” Lux says to Harry causing him to chuckle. She is the cutest.

He puts me down on the bed and picks Lux up spinning her around. She giggles and I look over at Lou, she seems relieved.

He puts her down and grabs something out of the draw, I think it was a book. “Are any of the others here?” Dani asks Harry with her mouth full “They are waiting in the car, I just had to grab something. See you guys at the venue later” He replys to Dani.

Before Harry walks out of the room he grabs one of the pieces of pizza and shoves it in my face, causing the sauce to go everywhere. Thank you.

I glare at him and smile before wiping my face all over his sheets. “You didn’t” He says sternly. “Have fun washing” I reply bitchyly to him. He deserves it. Before he walks out he comes over to kiss me on the cheek, he then kisses Dani, Lux and Lou on the forehead and exits the room and the apartment.


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