Stupid Girl

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Dani’s POV

The boys have another concert tonight, so Lou, Tayla and I have to be there by 3 again. I decide that we should go out for breakfast with everyone. It was a good idea.

Waking everybody up was the hardest. But now they are all awake and ready to go. Its 10am at the moment so we should be there in plenty of time.

I walk “Everybody ready” I smile and look at everyone. Everyone is looking at me and smiling and nodding except Harry. He is looking down at his phone smirking. You are fucking weird Harry.

I frown slightly at him and turn away.

We are at breakfast and seated by 10:30. We are sitting at a big round table. It goes Niall, me, Tayla, Harry, blank, Liam, Zayn, Lou, Louis, Paul. We have one extra chair but that’s okay besides its better to have a big space to eat anyway. Harry runs out of the restaurant and comes back in a few minutes. Except this time he has bought someone with him. Amanda.

“What is she doing here?” I very rudely say to Harry. I see Tayla look up sigh and look back down. I look across the table at the other boys “Mate, no you can’t do that. She didn’t get invited and no one else wants her here apart from you!” Zayn says clearly stating that he doesn’t like her.

Harry replies to both of us “I invited her Dani and Zayn I don’t care if you don’t like her, I do so your going to have to deal with it. Amanda and I have news, I know its only been a day but I really like her and Amanda really likes me” Harry turns to face Amanda smiling and holding her hands.

My stomach drops and I turn to my best friend. Her teeth are gritted and she doesn’t dare look up. I place hand on her leg, trying to comfort her. I look across at Lou and give a shake of my head with sad eyes. She turns to face Tayla and sighs.

“Amanda and I are dating” Harry finishes.

The table has become very awkward. I can not just ask her to leave. But it is clear and easy to say my entire day has been ruined.

“WHAT!?” Zayn, Louis and Liam cry at once. “I hope that I am not intruding or something, would hate for that to happen” Amanda says innocently. I can feel Tayla’s heart through her legs. She is so upset, heart broken and there is nothing she can do. She still has her head down.

I felt a drop of water land on my hand, poor bubba is crying. Be strong baby girl.

I turn to Harry very annoyed. “Thank you so much for ruining my day Harold, oh and as for you Ms bitchy fuckwitt I really do hope you get raped by a porcupine, I want you to know that I hate you! And so does every single person on this table” I force myself to get up and leave the table. I am going to crack. Amanda just smiles back at my comment.

Tayla looks up but not at Harry she looks at the boys and Lou, trying to blink away her tears. Zayn does a head nudge that gestures for Tayla to follow me and that he is coming out. So Tayla gets up an follows me, but as soon as she starts to walk Harry grabs her hand “Hey, you alright?” He says to her frowning slightly. He really has no idea. She looks at him in the eye. “Just something in my eye” she turns away and follows me.


I really want to put her in a shark tank while she is on her period.

Zayn hugs Tayla as tight as he can trying to comfort her. She is very emotional at the moment. “You know what Tayla, Fuck him. He doesn’t deserve you. Show him how much you don’t care about him and how its his lose not yours!” Zayn says to her.

“You don’t need him bubba, I know you are hurting but everything will be okay” I smile at her and push the hair back that is hanging my her face.

Lou has made her way over by the point and is talking to Tayla about being strong. Show him what he is doing wrong.

To be honest I don’t think that it is Harry Tayla is most upset about, its Amanda.

Tayla, Lou, Zayn and I wonder back after a few minutes and take our seats once again. Tayla refuses to sit next to Harry so goes over to Zayn and sits in Lou’s spot. Lou doesn’t mind moving. Tayla has wiped her tears away and forced a smile.

The conversation is very awkward, no one really wants to speak. I can see that Harry keeps looking at Tayla but she just ignores him. WOOOO. SERVES THE DUMB TWAT RIGHT.

“Dani, are you doing to eat that?” Niall asks me shyly. He is asking for my piece of tomato. “Go for it!” I tell him shoving it towards his direction.

He has had his arm around me the whole time, and if it is not around me its resting on my thigh. He is actually the best.

Tayla’s POV

Harry can go fuck himself. It’s so hard for me to just forget about him. I LOVE HIM.

I am sitting over near Zayn so that I didn’t have to be near Harry, he actually has no idea what he has done. At all. Zayn keeps whispering in my ear if I am okay. I nod every time he is great for moral support. He has also kept his hand near my leg or my back occasionally rubbing it.

I turn to Zayn and smile. He has been there for me since the start, it is kind of strange.

“Thank you” I whisper into his ear.

It’s been a long ass day today and we only just arrived at the venue. I have been with Louis and Zayn almost all day and if I am not with them then I hang out Liam, I decide to just leave Niall and Dani alone. They are so cute.

“Tayla, can you please do my hair, Lou said she was busy” Harry’s voice disturbs me. Breathe in breathe out. “Of course I can!” I say as happily as I can. Since I have been on tour with the boys I have been helping Lou out with Make up and hair, that’s why Harry asked me.

He sits in the chair and lets me do his hair.

Amanda walks in half way through. “What are you doing?” She asks me rudely. “My job!” I reply back to her nicely. I finish off the touches with Harry’s hair. When I am done I put my tools down, take a quick photo and go to sit on the couch. “Can you please play with my hair babe!” Harry says in his husky voice. I turn around thinking he was talking to me. He wasn’t, he was talking to Amanda. “Don’t ruin his hair, Lou and Paul will kill you” I add before making my way to the couch. Harry looks at me and Amanda just sighs.

She ruins his hair almost instantly. “I will do your hair again anyway baby, she didn’t do a very good job!” Amanda says loud enough for me to hear on purpose. I just sigh. Fine they can deal with it.

Liam walks into the room “Amanda what are you doing?” He says coldly. She replies in her bitchy tone “Harry’s hair, Tayla did a shit job!” Liam looks over at me and rolls his eyes, causing me to smile.

He sits down beside me and asks if I have a photo, I actually did take a photo of Harry’s hair so I show Liam. ‘I tried to tell her…” I finish off before Liam and I start to laugh. I am so jealous, she is really annoying. She flirts with him on purpose.

I wish he knew.

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