Speaking to Early

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Tayla’s POV

The first 10 minutes were going swell, there were only like 50 girls hear and the sound check was so much fun. Of course I always speak to early. As the boys finish the song Rock Me the room goes silent and all we hear is “Excuse me, move! Wow you look alright I suppose, move!”

I just look at Dani “Shit” is all I manage to say. The boys on stage listen in to see what’s happening; they have probably never seen something like this. “What the fuck is she doing here?” Dani asks me a little agitated.

“Oh well look who we have hear, Dani and her fat whale friend, get out the way losers, the boys will never like you okay, they might you Dani, but not you whale, too ugly. Ha-ha don’t hate me cause you ain’t me” queen bitch has arrived. She pushes us out the way and stand right in front.

I look down at my feet trying to hide my tears. I look up at the stage and try to blink the tears away. I catch Niall and Zayn’s sympathetic eyes looking at me, before I turn about to walk out. No I will not let my night start like this.

Dani stays silent patting my back trying to comfort me. I look at her signalling to walk out and I can see tears in her eyes to. We both turn and start to walk. “HA LOSERS!” we hear from behind us.

I turn around to look at her face to face “What is your problem! Are you quite right?” What did I just do or say?

What I hadn’t noticed was that there was a circle made around Dani, I and queen bee. Shit we are making a scene.

“WOAH whale didn’t know you had it in you, thought you were just a weak-“ She got cut off by an unfamiliar but familiar voice, Liam.

“It’s time for you and your bitchy mouth to leave” he said very sternly to her. As he looked away two guards took her arms and led her out. Alrighty.

“Hey beautiful, I know how it feels. Don’t let her worry you okay?” Liam comes over to me and hugs me as he says it. The other 4 boys all have very concerned looks on their faces, and they all come over to Dani and I to make sure we are okay.

I give a faint smile before quietly and nervously saying “Sorry, for making a scene and distracting you”. The boys facial expressions lighten up and they all laugh a little “Don’t worry Darling, anything for our fans” Harry says before all the boys make their way back to the stage.

Wow what just happened?

Through out the rest of sound check the boys kept looking at Dani and I and pointing and laughing and being idiots with us. It was amazing.

Dani’s POV

Wow go girl Tayla, sticking up for herself! I didn’t really know what to say or how to help. Anyway after queen bitch left the building sound check was amazing, the boys like know us now kind of even though after tonight I know that everything will change, then tomorrow morning they will not even know I exist. FML.

Sound check went for around 2 and half hours, the boys answered some fans questions, which were pretty fucking stupid, but you know cant help that. I mean who asks about jam to One Direction, are you disabled…seriously.

After sound check Tayla and I had to wait around for about 2 hours until the concert started we did not however want to leave the venue, fuck that shit. So we just snacked on chips and chocolate not the best.

2 hours goes so fucking long, I have been in the worst mood for the past 2 hours. I JUST WANT TO PARTY.

My thoughts are interrupted by Taylas voice in my ear. “Dani! People are coming in, get up” FUN FUN FUN WE ARE GOING IN.

We make our way in the doors and to our seats, which is right in the middle of the entire room, and we are like a few rows back from the second stage. Confusing. OH MY GOD. This is happening. Everyone can go suck my dick because I am so happy now. I need to sort out my mood swings.

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