Dreams come True

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Tayla’s POV

After a good 2 hours sitting on the beach and having a good chat, we decide its time to go home. We walk back to the car where Niall and Dani claims back back seat, which is fine with Harry and I.

So we sit in the chair and I decide this is a good time to call my family. Haven’t spoken to them for a while.

I dial my mums phone number and she picks up in less than one ring.

“Hey Mum, yes its me… im good great actually…. Everything is okay…he didn’t…. no….yes he is with me….. mum its okay…..i miss you too….no I am not coming home soon…. I still have at least a month left…. Yes ….hahaha….okay….is dad there?” I look at Harry smiling waiting for my dad to speak. He faintly smiles back.


“Hey Dad, yes…. No he didn’t ….i am fine….dont say that….put Matt on” Dad frustrates me. “Matt hey!, yes Harry is here, uhm okay sure” I hand the phone to Harry.

“My brother wants to speak with you” I say confused. Harry’s face kind of goes tense.

“Hello Matt, yes I know, she is okay now. I made a mistake I know, but I love her. I promise. Okay you have my word” Harry finishes and hand the phone back to me.

“UHM okay, bye?” I hang up. That was weird.

“Everything okay?” Dani asks. I turn around Niall has the same look harry has on his face. “Okay, what is going with you two boys?” I ask Harry and Niall. ”huh?” Dani is just as confused.

“Harry tell me..” I tell Harry taking his hand.

“Okay you know in Adelaide the night we asked you to come on tour with us, well both of your bothers and dads came up to Niall and I to have a chat. They told us not to hurt you, and to take care of you. But I did hurt you Tayla, and I don’t think your family is happy with me… I am sorry” Harry tells me.

My family have no right to do that. “It’s okay Harry, it isn’t your fault. I will talk to them” I say smiling at him. He hugs me and sighs.

“Your brothers and dad said the same to me about you Dani” Niall tells Dani. “They can go fuck themselves, we can take care of ourselves. Besides everything is okay now!” Dani says. I don’t think she is happy with her family either.

I text a message to my mum, dad and brother.

It is quite rude, but I couldn’t care less.

They reply minutes later with sorrys. HAHAHA NO.

Harry gets a text from my brother. It says ‘I am sorry Harry, my sister loves you and as long as you love her I am happy with whatever you two do. I do not hate you, thank you’

That is pathetic Matt. Harry’s face lightens up immediately. I smile at him and he looks over at me and kisses my forehead.

Dani is hugging Niall in the back back.

We reach the hotel we are staying at a little while later. I make my way into Harry’s room and flop myself onto the bed. It is good to be back. I get dressed into my pajamas and climb into bed. Harry isn’t far behind me.

He crawls in next to me, and pulls me as close as he can to him and hugs me very tight. I fall asleep with my head on his chest and my arm around his waist. My dream came true, I have Harry, I have my best friend with me living the dream.

Dani’s POV

We have reached the hotel and Niall is already in bed. I decide it’s a good idea to jump on him, so I take a good run up and jump landing on Niall in the bed. He groans and smiles. He then rolls on top of me and pins my arms down. I CANT BREATHE.

“NIALLL GETTT OFF OF MEEEE” I yell at him struggling to breathe.

He laughs and rolls off.

He then pulls me in and spoons me. “I love you Dani” he says before closing his eyes.

“I love you too” I answer him

Dreams really do come true.

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