Its Over

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Dani’s POV

It’s been 3 days, Tayla still isn’t home and we all flew to London like a few days ago, she wont answer mine or anyone else’s texts, I really do hope she is okay.

I just don’t know what to do. Today for the boys was like a concert day and tomorrow they have a relaxation day. Today I just sit around the venue on the couch eating food waiting until Lou needs help doing anything. Since Tayla has gone I have been the one to help Lou do make up and hair on the boys. Amanda does fuck all.

She is still very annoying. But since Tayla has been gone, Amanda and Harry have been fighting. Harry hasn’t been the same.

“Babe, read this!” Niall comes into the room and sits down next to me bringing me into his arms. He gave me the paper.

The headline reads

‘Is Tayla interfering with HAMANDA?’

It has a picture of Harry and Amanda holding hands and then Tayla in the background. What the fuck is this.

“Its all around London!” Niall informs me. This makes no sense.

The article says that Amanda and Harry have been having fights due to Tayla interfering with the relationship. It has everything about Amanda replacing Tayla and Tayla disappearing. No one has seen her.

I begin to stress and drop the paper down on the table. I don’t want to read about my best friend in the paper. They are making her sound like the bad person when it isn’t at all. It’s Amanda. I decide to just rest my head on Niall’s chest.

I close my eyes to rest but they immediately open when 3 boys coming running into the room. Zayn, Liam and Louis. They walk past us and smile before backtracking and looking at the paper and reading the article. There faces turn to disgusted. They like Tayla so I understand the feeling.

Tayla’s POV

I have spent 3 days with my cousin and I have become better not health wise, feelings and emotions wise. I feel better. Although I read something about myself in the paper today but I pt it down because it bought back to many memories and it was all bullshit.

I am going to see Lou today, which I am very excited about. Actually speaking of that I should start getting ready, I have to meet her in an hour.


45 minutes later I am fully ready to go out with Lou, I need to be smart because I don’t want people to recognise me. I decide to wear sunglasses, my hair up in a messy bun leather jeans with my boots and a nice flowy top. I am meeting Lou at Starbucks, we are going to have a coffee before she has to get going.

The second I see Lou my smile widens. She rushes over to me, hugging and kissing me on the cheek. She looks gorgeous.

We sit down and chat about everything that has happened. Lou is the only one I have stayed in touch with. I have lost contact with everyone including Dani who was my best friend. I miss her heaps.

We spend 3 hours talking about rubbish and taking walks along the London streets. I am so glad that I caught up with Lou. It is so good.

She starts talking about how Harry and Amanda were having issues. It caught my attention. “Are they still together or not?” I ask curiously. “They may as well not be!” Lou replies damn that means that it isn’t official yet.

Lou’s phone begins to ring, speaking of the devil. It is Harry.

Lou answers the phone “Yes… Harry what happened?.... really? will be okay…okay yep… yep sure…. Okay talk later” She hangs up and gives me a smile. “What?” I say frowning slightly. “To answer your question from before, no they are not together” She giggles. The biggest smile creeps across my face. Finally.

“Lou I feel I kind of bad, like I want to come back but then it is like I ran away got what I wanted and now I am back when it isn’t like that at all” I say to Lou. “Do not even worry!” Lou replies almost screaming. “Although you should wait to come back maybe a few days, know what I mean?” Lou says. “Yeah, but I am still not so sure”

I reply.

Half an hour more passes by and Lou then has to quickly rush off. I say goodbye and tell her to text me. I catch a taxi back to siennas, while in the taxi I check my twitter everyone is happy Harry and Amanda broke up. They are still defending me.

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