Is this Goodbye?

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Hope you guys like it :) xo

Tayla’s POV

It’s about 2 in the afternoon and I’m starting to become really sad. Last night and all of today has been so amazing and Dani and I have become really close with the boys and now when we go home in the next few hours they are just going to forget about us.

Zayn is out with Perrie, Louis is out with Eleanor. Liam is out somewhere, he didn’t say where he was going and Niall, Harry, Dani and myself are just hanging out together.

I pull Dani over for a second and say “Dani we have less then 2 hours left with the boys, we wont even get to say goodbye and thank you to Zayn, Louis and Liam and Harry and Niall will just forget probably” Sadness is clear in my tone and in my eyes. “I know” she says, she’s also quite upset.

I don’t really want to say goodbye to any of them. Saying goodbye is so hard. I rather just write them a note or something and leave without them noticing.

The boys come over to where Dani and I are talking and ask what’s wrong. “Nothing” Dani says quickly forcing a smile. I look over at her and nod.

“Want to play a game?” Harry says breaking the silence.

“Yeah lets do this!” Niall answers. I smile and nod, and Dani giggles.

We go to the couches and pull them together so that we can all sit together. “What game are we playing?” I ask Harry with a smile.

He thinks for a little before answering with “HIDE AND SEEK!” “I LOVE THIS GAME” Niall yells back at him. Such children.

“I am the best at this game” Niall informs us. Okay Niall we shall see.

“Shotty not seeking!” I yell, I hate seeking its so boring.


“Come on Niall, if your so good at this game you seek” I say before he can say shotty not. He just glares at me, I guess he meant good at hiding.

“Fine…” He finally says.

We all smile. “I will count to 60 you have to be ready and if I find you, you have to help look for the others deal!” he says. “No way!, that’s not how you play” Dani says to him.

He starts to whinge so we all just agree to his rules. Whatever.

Niall closes his eyes and starts to count. I jump off the couch and bolt out of the room, I have no idea where I’m going but I will find a hiding spot somewhere.

Dani does the same but goes in the opposite direction. I don’t know where Harry went. He went some where.

I run down the hall for a few seconds before someone scares me by grabbing my arm and pulling me into a secret hiding space. “what the fu-“ I start to say before the voice cuts me off. “shhhh!” he says. “Harry?” I ask not being able to see a thing because it is pitch black right now.

“Yes” he reply’s. What the fuck is Harry doing. “What are you doing?, how did you get there? And why am I with you?” I whisper to him.

“Hiding? I walked? And because I pulled you in with me?” he answers me making me sound stupid.

“No shit. Why did you pull me in though?” I told him a bit agitated with his reply.

“Because your leaving soon, and I don’t want you to, and I want to spend more time with you, and yeah” he says to me a bit louder than a whisper.

Fuck me dead. That was the best thing I have heard. He’s so sweet. OH GREAT NOW SAYING GOODBYE IS GOING TO BE HARDER. “Harry, I don’t want to leave either I have had the best time and I will never forget it, I wish could spend more time with you to, but you wont remember in years to come, so it doesn’t matter right?” I answer him getting a bit teary because I’m weak. Yeah I said it. Weak.

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