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Tayla’s POV

“Mum, Dad, Matt! What are you doing here? Oh and Hey Perrie, Eleanor and Sophia” I say hugging the girls and just staring at my family members. “YEAH what Tayla said” Dani repeats. Chuckles and giggles come from all the way round the table. “Okay what is going on? And why are Dani and I the only ones they do not know about it” I say looking at everyone frowning a little.

Lou tells us to sit down and relax.

I sit back down next to Harry and Perrie across from Dani and Niall. I still have a confused look on my face. Harry put his hand on my back and strokes up and down “We have a surprise for you to girls, if your willing to accept, your family’s are in on it and we would love it you would accept” Paul says with a smile.

Okay seriously what is happening. All the boys get up from the table and make their way towards the stage, everyone gets up and follows them taking a seat near the stage. Dani and I assume that we are meant to follow so we do. We go to sit with our family’s, when Niall and Harry take our hands and lead us to the two stools right in the middle of the stage. They make us sit on them, “Dani what the fuck is going” I whisper yell at her. Seriously.

“I don’t know… but I’m nervous” she reply’s but before I have a chance to speak back to her, music starts to play. It’s Story of my Life. I turn to Dani, this is our jam.

Harry starts to sing. I look at him and he is staring right into my eyes. Is he singing to me?

Are the boys performing to us? For us?

I feel Dani’s hand rest on my thigh, but I don’t dare to look away from Harrys green eyes.

He smirks as he sings. A little while later the chorus kicks in and all 5 boys are surrounding Dani and I looking into our eyes and smiling at us. Is this for us?

In Niall’s solo he bends down next to Dani taking her hands. I can see tears coming up in her eyes. DAMMIT DANI YOUR MAKING ME CRY.

By the end of the song we both have tears rolling down our faces.

Once the song ends I jump off my seat and throw my arms around Harry’s neck. “Thank you” I whisper into his ear.

Niall makes Dani stand up so that he can hug her, she is so emotional.

I hear Zayn’s voice, oh the concert hasn’t finished. Dani and I sit back down in our seats.

The this happens.

Niall – “Dani”

Harry – “Tayla”

Niall – “Will the both of you like to come”

Harry – “on your with us”

Niall and Harry – “For the next 3 months?”

All 5 boys had really hopeful faces.

I look at my parents and Lou and Paul they all have the same face. Dani does the same thing. I look at her and my eyes widen, this isn’t happening is it?

“YES” we scream at the same time.

Danis’ POV


Okay so my life has changed.

I am going on tour with my best friend and the best people in the world. Without my parents. FUCK A DUCK.

I run to my parents and thank them so much, I then hug my brothers and Paul and everyone. I hug everyone. I am so happy.

Tayla does the same and then we both run into each other’s arms. Dreams really do come true.

Everyone group hug around us and we are all so happy. “Tayla, Dani your parents have packed all your stuff and it is already on the bus. Your parents will also send some stuff over tomorrow, we are so happy to have you” Pauls say grinning and bringing us in for a hug.

After all that has happened we all sit down and have a beautiful meal, the last one I will have with my parents for a while, which is sad but I will never forget.

Dani’s POV

Dinner was so much fun, we had so many laughs. I hadn’t even noticed Harry and Niall had left with Matt, Nathan and Rory. What are they talking about.

“Tayla, what are they doing?” I point over at them. She shakes her head “I don’t know, looks like a serious conversation” She replied.

Every now and then I would look over at them, every time I looked Some one else was there now all the One Direction boys are over there with our brothers.

“Eleanor, do you know what they are talking about?” I lean over to Eleanor who was sitting next to me. She ust smiled “Don’t stress hun” She says giving me a friendly nudge.

Alright then. Oh Paul is over there to with our dads… Guys.

Tayla’s POV

For the last night I have with my family before I go away with the boys, I was having a lot of fun.

The boys were all talking before and I mean like all the boys. But they are back now. Harry seems a bit hesitant now, must be intimidated by our brothers. Cute.

My brother is 6 foot 3 and Dani’s brothers would be no shorter than 6 foot. My dad is 6 foot and I think Dani’s dad is to. All the One Direction boys are shorter than 6 foot. So cute.

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