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Still needing some feeback :)

What do you think is going to happen? xo

Dani’s POV

Its been 3 weeks now since Tayla and I started the tour with the boys its also been 3 weeks with fucking Amanda.

I actually see her every morning and she ruins my day. I just don’t understand what Harry sees in her I mean she is a cow. It’s not like she hides it either, she is bitch to Tayla and I right in front of the boys and Harry. Everyone hates her including Lou and Paul. Everybody but Harry I just don’t understand. Amanda I just causing issues. Like Tayla has moved into Lou’s room because Amanda is staying with Harry. Amanda just replaced Tayla although everyone likes Tayla. It is so fucking stupid.

On the bright side Niall and I are going really well. We have been snuggling every night, and I tell him everything and he tells me everything. It is public now to! Which has been good and bad. Good because I am getting lots of compliments and it has changed my life but bad because there are some people out there who just do not respect others. Sadly some of them are directioners.

I have been noticing something weird with Tayla lately. Like she doesn’t text me anymore, she is always tired lately and she looks dead I don’t mean that as a bad way. Like she just looks like she hasn’t had sleep in ages. She has also grown very skinny lately, unhealthy skinny. I have tried asking Lou if she knows anything but Lou just shakes her head. I wish I could talk to Tayla. I am just worried about her. I don’t want to do something that is stupid.

The best part about Harry and Amanda in all of the directioners hate her. So she just continues to get hate. I know that is really mean, but directioners loved Tayla she got good morning and good night tweets all the time. Amanda gets nothing like it.

Tayla just walked into the room, her fists are clenched. What do I do? “Hey bubba, feeling alright?” I say as positive as I could. She just looks up at me and shakes out the tension “Fine” She smiles and turns around. We are not as close anymore. I hate it. But I am working on it. I won’t let her go.

I need to find Zayn.

“Zayn, do you know what is up with Tayla?” I ask him nicely. “She is in a bad place isn’t she? I am sorry I do not know anything I wish I could help her but she doesn’t talk to me anymore” Zayn answers me looking a bit upset.

I am so worried.

“Hello Dani!” A voice from behind me chirpily calls. Ugh I do not want to turn around. It’s Amanda. “Amanda! I don’t like you stop trying to talk to me and trying to replace Tayla okay it is not going to happen the whole word hates you!” I argue before turning around and walking away. I hope that hurt her. Her face looked pretty hurt.

Harry came in last night and had a chat to me asking me if I could be nice to her, but I honestly cant. Not with what she has done with everything and everyone. She doesn’t deserve it. She doesn’t deserve anything.

Tayla’s POV

I need to get out of here. The last few weeks have been terrible. I cry myself to sleep because of Harry. I do love him but I cant stand facing him everyday with Amanda attached to him. She has changed him. It is just to much for me to handle.

I am to jealous of her.

A lot of people want to talk to me to help. But unless they can break up Amanda and Harry which is horrible because Harry likes her and whatever makes him happy. Unless they can do that, then they can not help me. Lou understands so she just gets me to let everything out on her.

I will call my cousin. My cousin Sienna and I are really close practically sisters and one I haven’t seen her in ages and two I wonder if she would let me come and stay with her. She actually lives in London, thats where the boys are flying to next anyway so yeah. I just need to get away from being stressed everyday. I need some alone time I guess.

Phone Call – Sienna :*

“Hey Sien, are you doing anything? …. Okay can I come stay with you for a little bit, things are not working out here and I just need to get away… I can not handle it!.... okay thank you I will catch a plane tomorrow night. Love you too bye.


Okay so I need to catch a plane to London tomorrow. I need to talk to Lou first and that also leaves time to pack. I don’t want anyone to know where I am apart from Lou, I trust Lou with everything.

I walk down the hallway and find Lou in the end room watching TV

“Lou, I hate to say it, but I am leaving tomorrow I am flying to London to stay with my cousin, Lou I haven’t slept a full night for over 2 weeks I need to get away from what is hurting me, I love Harry so much and I can not tell him” I let it out. She looks at me “I understand and I want you to be healthy again, and happy. I will not tell him where you are, but whatever you are happy with” She replies. “I am going to miss you!” She finishes before hugging me and squeezing me tight.

“We will catch up when you get to London” I tell her. “I will sleep tonight but I will leave early in the morning so no one sees okay?” Lou nods her head. I am so glad she understands.


The concert is over, they have one more tomorrow night and then they will be heading to London. As for me I am heading to London tomorrow morning. It was a really good concert tonight and I am so happy to be going to bed. I feel sick.

Although tonight I wanted to spend sometime with the boys and Dani before I left, I may not see them every again.

So all of us decide to stay up and have a movie night. Fine with me except, everyone is almost already asleep. Fuck it I am going to bed. “Good night” I say sadly knowing it will be the last good night. I go around the room and hug each one of the boys individually followed by Dani. I then come to Harry. I look down for a second, I need to hug him.

I fling myself onto him and wrap my arms around his neck… good bye Harry.

I have tears swelling up in my eyes. I purposely walk past Amanda not hugging her because she is half of the problem and then I enter Lou’s room. I need to pack.

I spend the next half an hour packing and crying. I can hardly see due to the tears.

I finally flop myself onto the bed, curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep.

Tayla’s POV

The next morning came quickly everyone was going to be up by about 9 so I needed to get out around 5am. I woke up and dragged myself out of bed trying not to wake Lou or Lux.

I then got dressed and put some make up on and did my hair. I will have a shower when I get there. I leave a not for Lou on her bedside table.

Dear Lou,

Thank you for being my mum, best friend and a trustworthy person while I have been on tour with the boys. I will text you everynight to check in on everyone. You know why I am doing this, not because I want to I need to. Maybe one day I could tell Harry how I feel but right now he doesn’t care.

Catch up soon okay. Xo

Text me when you get in London.


I didn’t want to make it long because I knew I would see her again. After I wrote the letter. I grabbed my bags and walked out of the apartment leaving my key for the door with the note I gave to Lou.

Time to say good bye I suppose. I am going to miss my friends way to much.

Everything happens for a reason right?

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