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Tayla’s POV

The last few weeks Dani and I have been getting prepared for tonight and fangirling as much as possible so that when tonight came we were calm and sober.

OH MY GOD IT JUST CLICKED. Dani and I are going to see One Direction tonight. TO-NIGHT. Holy cow.

Anyway, Dani is already dressed wow she’s eager oh wait so am I. So Dani and I are already dressed, and we are starting to do our make up. I’m planning on just going natural with a bit of my eyes done so they look bigger, Dani on the other hand is going with everything done.

An hour later Dani and I are ready to rock. What I didn’t tell her was that we have sound check party as well so I asked her to get ready early so that we could go to dinner but we aren’t at all. Sneaky.

We rock up and she goes crazy, like she is fangirling way too much. DAMMIT DANI. She tones it down very quickly once I whisper yell some pretty rude things to her. Poor baby.

Waiting in line is the worst. So many screaming girls with posters and everything. “Oh shit! Tayla we left our poster at home!” Dani says with wide eyes and a very panicked voice “oh fuck a moose” is all I say.

I was doing so well, I guess we were just to excited. It doesn’t matter though because we have a finished video in our hands and it’s going to be us who gets there attention not our poster.

Dani looks a bit disappointed about the poster and I feel pretty bad but I want to enjoy my night, and I want her to enjoy it to.

Dani’s POV

Tayla got me sound check party passes, I can’t thank her enough! We also left our really cool poster at home but I will get over it I mean I’m breathing the same air as One Direction. This line sucks. Oh shit we are next to go in the door. “TAYLA WE ARE NEXT!” I scream whisper at her not wanting people to be so judgmental.

We are inside, first row dead centre do I want be anymore lucky. I don’t think so.

12 minutes until the boys start sound check, alrighty then. No biggy. HUGE BIGGY.

“Tayla we are dead centre first row, we cant fangirl, we have to be normal okay?” I say nervously. “Babe if the boys are going to see us, we will just be ourselves don’t stress okay, everything will be okay” I could sense the nervous in her voice to but she’s good at covering that.

12 minutes later Harry walks out onto stage and everyone goes wild except Tayla and I “FUCK ME THEY SCREAM LOUD” Tayla yells into my ear with a smile on my face. I chuckle at her comment and nod my head before screaming myself.

After Harry the rest of the boys follow, Niall, Louis, Zayn and lastly Liam. They are so beautiful.. omg Dani your fan girl is starting to come through, stop it now.

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