Chapter One

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I sat and scanned the room as I watched my mother and younger brother cry on the other side of the room. I hated to see my brother CJ cry, it just broke my heart in two. As people pass they gave me sympathetic looks. I wish they would stop looking at me and take they asses home, but I knew they weren't going anywhere until it got dark outside.

My mother had just buried my older brother DJ this morning and everybody decided to come over to my house for the repast. DJ was the man of the house, the boss in the streets, and the king of the city, everyone who knew him respected him. Even though my brother sold drugs he was still a kind person, well to me anyways we were always so close. You could never mess with me unless you wanted to get your ass kicked by DJ, that nigga was a straight savage that is until his own connect took his life away.

I looked over at my mother and rolled my eyes, as I watched her fall into CJ's dad arms. I don't even know why he was here because he and DJ never got along. I just shook my head and close my eyes. All I wanted to do was eat and go to bed.

"Hey Mónéy girl how you doing,"a voice called out.

I opened my eyes to see my mother's younger sister Remy standing in front of me. "Uh hi, I'm fine."

"Girl I know that, I didn't ask you how you looked I asked how you were doing." I looked up at her with a smug look on my face. It really wasn't the time for her to be making some lame ass jokes at my brother's funeral.

"Ok I'm sorry for saying that, I just don't know how to act at a funeral or a repast that shit just creeps me out."

"Yea Remy me too I've never been to a funeral before and it's real fucked up that my brother's is the first that I've got to attend."

"Keep your head held high girl it'll all work out. You know what I got something for you, meet me outside in the backyard when you done in here,"she said before getting up and walking towards the back door. She turned around and winked at me and disappear into the backyard.

My auntie is weird but she has an excuse, she's only 19 which is 2 years older than me. I shook my head as I scanned around the room again and saw a few of the corner boys that use to work for my brother. They all looked sad, like they had lost their best friend but in all honesty they did. DJ was a king that ran the streets of New Orleans and everyone wanted to work for him. He made it so they had fat pockets and for that they remained loyal, well some of 'em did.

"Hey baby, how you holding up,"my neighbor Mrs. Anna asked.

"Hey Mrs. Anna I'm ok." I lied, I was miserable as fuck and everyone that came up to me seems to be a bother. The only reason why I haven't snapped on nobody yet is because of CJ.

"Did you eat anything today? You know I hate it when you don't eat nothing,"she scolded. She really didn't like when I would miss a meal. Mrs. Anna loved my brothers and I as if we were her own.

"I'm ok but thanks for asking." She nodded her head and got up to tend to the guest. I shifted in my seat as a few people walked pass me with a plate of food. That shit looked so good that my mouth water. No lie I was hungry than a motherfucker and I hadn't eaten since yesterday and it was three going on four in the evening. I didn't want to get up out of this spot but I knew I couldn't starve myself to death.

I hopped up and walked towards the kitchen avoiding eye contact with anyone who looked my way, my only goal was to get some food in my stomach. Once I got in the kitchen I smiled at all the food. I grabbed a plate and piled meatballs, mini burgers, sandwiches, and spaghetti with cheese on it. I placed my plate on the table and went to the fridge to get a drink.

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