Chapter Seven

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I pace the floor of the ran down apartment that we'd had been staying at for the last two days. Chauncey warned me to not leave the apartment or open the door for anybody unless it was him or a customer. It was miserable and boring, and stupid ass Mónéy didn't make it no better how she had been acting lately. Not only was she fucking up my pay, but everytime she'd be disobedient Chauncey would beat my ass. I mean I did feel a little guilty about kidnapping her but damn she ain't got to cut up so bad.

I finally decided to stop pacing and dialed Domino's number. Even though Chauncey said no visitors I wasn't bout to starve my ass off.

"Hello this is Domino's what would you like to order today," the Domino's lady asked.

"Uhm yea can I get a large beef pizza with cinnamon sticks, a box of hot wings, and a two liter sprite."

"Is there anything else I can get you ma'am."

"Nahh I'm good.

"Well may I have your name, your address and phone number." I rolled my eyes and gave her my information.

"Ok ma'am your pizza will be there in about fifteen minutes and your total is $22.18." I hung up the phone and walked to the room where Mónéy was. Chauncey had locked her away since every chance she got she'd try to run away. I unlocked all the locks that were on the door and walked into the dull room.

"Mónéy,"I called out as I looked around the room in search for her. It was eleven in the morning and the sun was shining bright but Mónéy's room was darker than black. I step further into the room and looked around to find her. I was about to leave when I saw her crawl from under the bed. She looked real bad, her hair was all over the place, her eyes were baggy and red, she just looked like shit and I had a feeling that's what she felt like.

"Mónéy you hungry. I just ordered some pizza for us so we can eat." She got up from the floor and sat up mugging me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. I don't know what she was mad at me for. I did what I had to do, plus once she see how much money she gone make she'll get over it.

"Lemme' the fuck alone. I don't need shit from you,"she spat. I folded my arms over my chest and softly sighed. She was really testing me and I never did good at test that's why I dropped out of school.

"Look Mónéy you ain't eat in days and if you don't you ain't gon last long 'round here."

"Maybe that's what I want. Maybe I want to fucking die. It seems that no one in this fucking world care about me." I looked down at the floor and fiddle with my hands. My heart really hurt for Mónéy because she wasn't use to this lifestyle but I had to do what's best for me.

"Mónéy look I'm sorry if you feel that way but you just don't understand how my life is right now." I mean it's like I've always been alone in this with Chauncey and when I was I always wondered what it was like to have a friend, a real down ass friend and to me Mónéy was the closest thing to that.

"Keep you lame ass sorry I don't need that shit and don't flatter ya self I ain't talking about you." I was about to respond when the I heard a knock at the door. I looked at the door then back at Mónéy before running out to open the door.

Once I opened the door I was in complete aww. There stood this fine ass pizza delivery guy. I was always looking for a nigga with some fat pockets but this pizza delivery guy would do just fine. I looked over his uniform then up at his face. I knew this nigga was high as fuck because his eyes were red and low.

"Say you order this pizza or what ma," he asked snapping me out of my trance. I licked my lips and he realized what I was doing and chuckled. I took the money out my pocket and handed it to him after taking the pizza out his hand and putting it on the raggedy couch. I cracked the door a little so he wouldn't see the inside of the dirty ass apartment. He was about to walk off but I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me.

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