Chapter Fifty-Six

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Four Months Later......


I sat at the round table in the commons area, and copied Danaë's notes from last week. I was behind on everything due to my countless number of absences. It wasn't my fault though, Artist had to go on tour a lot and I didn't want him to go alone. Those groupies weren't about to get my man. Yes, my man. We've been dating for two and a half months and so far, everything's been great. He's been the perfect boyfriend and we barely have arguments.

"Damn Nae, yo handwriting is sloppy as fuck," I joked. She smiled small before putting her head on the table and closing her eyes. I could tell something was bothering her but I didn't want to question it. She had transferred schools and moved to New Orleans, a little over a month ago. Her family barely talks to her now and her boyfriend is never home. I couldn't imagine how she was feeling right now.

"Maybe if yo ass attend school, you'll be able to read your own notes," Yaki said out of nowhere. She pulled up a chair and sat next to Danaë, who was now asleep. I ignored Yaki and looked down at Danaë. Something was definitely wrong with her and I was starting to worry.

"Shut up, why are you here anyway, shouldn't you be at school," I asked.

"Nahh I shouldn't. They let us out early because of a gas leak. We probably won't open back up until next week. That means I can bother y'all until next Tuesday. If Kree play his cards right, I might end up spending that week with him," she stated boldly. I rolled my eyes and continued copying Danaë's work. Yaki was all bark and no bite when it came to expressing herself to Kree. I got tired of hearing about what she was going to do or say to him, and it never happened.

"Somebody's worn out," Yaki said looking at Danaë. I sighed and gave her a worried look.

"Right, it's like she's so focused during class but as soon as it ends she's all tired and shit. I can't figure out what's going on with her," I stammered as I looked over Danaë.

"Maybe its that no good boyfriend of hers. I swear I can't stand him. Did you know last weekend I went and spunt the night because she didn't want to be alone in the new house. Well this fool told her that I better be out his shit before he got back. Who the fuck does he think he is," she questioned angrily. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.

"He's a controlling pieces of shit that's what he is," I stated.

"You got that right. She told me he's part of the reason why she doesn't talk to her family anymore. He's an ass wipe for doing that to her. If Icy found that out, he'd kill Myles. Anyways enough about her drama, what's been up with you. How's your life with your lil famous boo," she asked excitedly. I smiled at the thought of my happy relationship with Artist.

"It's good, really good. I'm so happy in this relationship. I can't believe I'm taken by someone like him," I said doodling in my notebook. She chuckled and clasped her hands together.

"Must be nice, I'm taken too," she said. I raised my eyebrows at her surprised. She never mentioned to me that she was seeing somebody, which shocked me.

"Seriously," I questioned eyeing her.

"Yup, I'm officially taken..........., as a fucking joke," she mumbled. I laughed uncontrollably, waking Danaë up accidentally. I wasn't expecting her to say that but she did. Danaë propped her head up on her elbows and closed her eyes.

"You are something else. I don't take you as a joke though, even though you childish as shit, you still my homegirl. If these low budget niggas and Kree don't notice you, then that's their lose. You shouldn't chase behind his ass neither, let him come to you. I heard y'all spunt the night together at the four seasons. Did anything happen, that I should know about," I questioned sternly. She tilted her head to the side and grimaced at me.

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