Chapter Seventy-Nine

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"Mrs. Anna can I just talk to them tomorrow," I asked. She shook her head and came sat next to me. It was the night after DJ's murder and the whole city of New Orleans was still in a frenzy.

"Baby this is a murder and you are a witness. You were the last person DJ called the time of his death and records showed that your call was active when he was killed. No one is blaming you chile, we know you didn't do it. Just go talk to them and tell the truth," she explained.

"Is my mom ok? Where is CJ," I asked.

"They're fine, CJ is at my house with Yaki and your mama is identify your brother's body. I promise Moe, I'll be sitting right outside this door waiting for you. You only have to be in there ten minutes then after that, I'll come get you," Mrs. Anna assured me. I looked at her unsure but nonetheless trusted her judgement.

I walked to the end of the hall where the detective was waiting for me. I glanced over my shoulder at Mrs. Anna one last time before opening the door, and walking in. My heart instantly fluttered when I seen the man before me. He was like a heaven sent angel from God himself. My reasoning for being here, immediately went out the window.

"You Mónéy," he asked in that smooth sensual voice of his.

"You Rossetti," I mocked. He raised an eyebrow at me before slightly blushing. I noticed the dimple in his cheek which made my heart skip a beat.

"You're funny, have a seat," he said. I wanted so badly to have a seat on his face but he pushed the chair out instead. I mentally rolled my eyes as I approached him. He sat across from me with his hands folded. He didn't look anything like a detective, he was more on the rebellious, rock kid, kind of side.

He looked away from me for a few seconds and I found myself gazing at him. He looked like a Spanish man to me, but that didn't make me like him any less. His brown eyes mirrored mine, even though his were a little low. He had this weird tattoo on his neck that probably went against his dress code, but he didn't seem to care. He sat in front of me like a boss. I knew I probably shouldn't have been thinking like that and my brother just got murdered, but damn.

"Did you hear me, kid," he asked, killing the mood. I raised an eyebrow at him and shook my head.

"M-my mind is all over the place right now," I mumbled. He reached across the table and placed his hand on top of mine. I swear to God I felt electricity shoot through my body.

"I understand what it feels like to lose a sibling. When I was twelve my brother was gunned down right in front of me by a member of the cartel," he said. I pulled my hand away from his and shook my head.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Wasn't your fault, kid. I used to wish I could've done something to protect my brother, but I couldn't. You can though, tell me exactly what you heard on the phone before the gunshots went off," he asked. I shook my head and tried to remember what I heard before the line went dead. I knew the voice of the person, I just didn't remember where I knew it from.

"I-I don't remember," I mumbled. He learned forward and grabbed both of my hands.

"Think harder Mónéy, try to think back to yesterday," he persuaded. I closed my eyes and allowed my mind to rewind to yesterday.

"He called me in a panic, yet apologetic voice. He kept telling me how he fucked up and how sorry he was about the outcome of things. His finally words to me was not to trust anybody, he even named a bunch of his and my friends. After he said he loved me, I heard a round of gunshots going off. I sat on the phone for at least thirty minutes, screaming for my brother to answer. I got nothing from him but someone did tell me to watch my back before I be next. After that the phone hung up," I said. I felt Rossetti's hands touching my face, making me slowly open my eyes.

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