Chapter Nineteen

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Once I was inside the office I realized that I was the only one there. I took a seat in one of the hard wooden chairs, shit was super uncomfortable. If a person wasn't crazy, these chairs would definitely turn them crazy. I shifted around in the seat until I saw the door open and a woman walk out. She looked like a sane person, but I guess she was crazy since she was visiting a shrink. I looked behind her to see Dr. P smiling broadly at me. I returned a fake smile as I got up and walked into the office.

The office looked way better than the waiting lounge. I took a seat on the couch and she sat across from me. She looked at me then wrote something down on her notepad. I frowned and fiddled with my fingers as I patiently waited for her to get this show on the road. The room was so silent, the only thing that can be heard was the ticking off the clock on the wall. That noise was driving me crazy, it reminded me of how I let my life go to waste. I remember the day my life took a turn for the worst........

"I hope you don't mind sleeping down here. Mónéy's being a brat as usual and DJ insists on letting her have her way," Gwen stated as she handed me the sheets to me. I reluctantly took them and did my best to hide my disappointment.

"It's fine Gwen. I know how teenagers are, remember I was once fifteen I'm seventeen now, so I understand. She nodded her head and smiled. I smiled back before turning to the sofa bed and placed the pillow and blanket down. It looked real uncomfortable but due to Money's nasty ass attitude I guess I'll too sleeping down here.

"Right I'm so glad you're here Remy. I haven't seen you in forever and to see my little sis again makes me so happy. I'm glad you came to visit me for the break. I made all my family member get you a Christmas gift too, so don't even worry about being left out." I gave her a warm smile before hugging her. We exchanged goodnights and parted ways. I did my best to get comfortable on the sofa bed. It was hard but I manage to fall asleep after a few minutes.

I was awoken by the sound of a pot falling on the kitchen floor. I jumped up in my sleep and looked around the den. A figure walked pass the kitchen floor startling me. I grabbed my chest as I got off the sofa bed and made my way to the kitchen. I flicked the lights on and it was only Chauncey. He looked extraordinary in the dimly lit kitchen, Gwen had damn good taste. He turned around and jumped once he noticed I was standing in the kitchen doorway.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to frighten you," I said. He smiled at me and placed the carton of eggs on the counter. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the pantry. Chauncey went on ahead and finished cleaning the mess he had made up. I place the water to my lips and guzzled it down.

My mouth is always dry when I wake up from my sleep. I fixed another glass of water and was about to drink it until I felt hands wrapped around my waist. I stood frozen as I let the glass slip out my hand and fall into the sink. The shattering of the glass startled me but not as much as the person who was standing behind me, they were scaring the piss out of me. I took a deep breath and slowly turned around. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I turned to reveal this mystery man. I looked at him in shock once I realized it was Chauncey. I quickly pushed him off me and try to walk away but he grabbed ahold of my arm tightly.

"Remy, look I'm sorry. I just thought you wanted that. I saw the way you were looking at me at dinner. I wanted to let you know that I was feeling the same way you feel." I cocked my head to the side and stared into his eyes. I knew he was being sincere and I was grateful for that, but Gwen just kept popping up in my head.

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