Chapter Fifteen

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"Mrs. Tasker how are you feeling today," Dr. Finch asked. I was sitting on the iron table covered with paper while the doctor looked through a clipboard with my information. My hands were shaking as I waited to see what was wrong with me. Even though I knew what was wrong I didn't want to believe it though.

"I could be better doc."

"Well tell me why you are here today. Is everything ok with the baby?"

"I don't know. Last night I was cramping badly and this morning when I woke up this morning I saw blood in my underwear." My legs were shaking uncontrollably. Dr. Finch picked his head up and looked at me in disbelief.

"That's signs of miscarriage but I don't want to jump to conclusion. I'll get a nurse and we'll run some tests on you." I nodded my head as I sat quietly and waited for them to come and check up on me.

1 hour later

I sat in the car with my head on the steering wheel. It came back that I had indeed had a miscarriage. My mind was gone and my heart ached. My kutty kat was hurting too, because they had just got done from scrapping the fetus from my womb. I had been sitting in the car for a few minutes crying my eyes out. I slowly picked my head up from the steering wheel and started the car up. It was about to rain and I didn't want Jamal's Lexus RX to get wet.

As I drove a million and one thoughts cross my mind. I wondered what it would be like if I had given birth to the baby. Then I started to think of this as karma. God doesn't like ugly and over the last two years I haven't been so pretty. My mine was all over the place until I found myself reminiscing about the day my world turned upside down.

"I've missed you so much Remy," Gwen said as she hugged me, squeezing the life out of me. I had just come to visit her for a week but I knew she'd want me to stay longer. She finally loosen her grip around me and took a step back to check out my attire. I did the same to her. My sister wore a designer long sleeve dress that I'd kill to have. I looked over her shoulder at the big house behind and saw a few new faces.

"Is that Mónéy," I asked calling out the only face I recognized. She was sitting on the porch with a frown on her face and a bag of hot fries in her hand. I laughed to myself at how much she'd love those things.

"Girl yea that's her, wanna be grown ass. I'm so sicka ha, pshhh I can't wait til ha lil disrespectful ass turn eighteen so I could kick her out." I grimaced at Gwen and pushed pass her as I made my way to Mónéy. She looked up at me then back down at the ground.

"Hey Mónéy, you remember me?"

"Nope!" She said popping the p.

I'm ya aunt Remesha but everyone calls me Remy. I met you a while back when you were ten," I told her as I took a seat on the porch next to her. She ignored me and continued to swing her legs back and forth while munching on her chips. Gwen walked over to the porch and picked the little boy with saggy diaper up.

"This is my new little baby, well he's about to be three but he's mine. His name is Chauncey Jr."

"Chauncey Jr," I questioned. She nodded her head and looked back at the tall light skinned guy. He was very handsome, and he looked to be younger than my sister with bedroom eyes. I smiled at the man and he nodded in return. My heart skipped a beat by the way he was looking at me. He was so attractive to me but I pushed that to the back of my head and made my way inside of the house.........

Knock knock

I jumped up, in full attack mode and looked at the person who stood outside the car door. I had forgotten all about me being in Jamal's car and it was getting later and later. I let the window down and peeped my head out the window.

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