Chapter Fifty-Nine

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I ran my hand through my hair as I sat up in bed. Today was the day, that I was going to introduce Jamal to my grandmother. I was skeptical about this at first but she insisted that I bring Jamal to meet her before she dies. That was my grandmother's favorite excuse to get me to do what she wanted. I looked over at the empty spot that Jamal was supposed to be occupying.

I sniffed the air to make sure I wasn't tripping. I smiled at the thought of Jamal cooking breakfast for me. He had been coming around for the last two months. It was cute, how he was treating me so far. After Mónéy's party, I haven't stepped outside of my marriage. I wanted to really be devoted to him. I wanted him to love me and maybe have his kids one day. Hopping out of bed, I slipped my robe on and made my way down the long hallway. As I got closer to the kitchen I smelt the aroma of fresh fruits and pancake mix. My mouth watered at the thought of getting a home cooked meal this morning.

My parade was rained on when I saw an ass naked woman standing over my stove. I tilted my head to the side and cleared my throat. She glaced over her shoulder at me and waved. I felt something smack up against my butt. When I turned around I saw Jamal standing behind me with a paddle and another naked chick. I sighed deeply as he planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Aye Carli and Charli, this my wife Remy. Remy these my friends Carli and Charli," he said nonchalantly before he walked up to the lady at the stove and kissed her on the lips. I scoffed and did my best to keep my composure.

"I'm Carli by the way. That's my twin sister Charli. Aren't we adorable," the one standing behind me asked. I glared at her.

"Yes y'all are," Jamal answered as Charli feed him some fruit. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a plate and piled some eggs and half of the fruit on it. Charli reached for the plate that was filled with pancakes but I snatched them from her.

"Hey, I want pancakes too. I mean I did cook them," she snapped. I cut my eyes and poured syrup all over the pancakes. Even though I wasn't going to eat all of them, I didn't want her or her nasty ass sister to have them.

"My house, my rules. Now do me a favor and go continue feeding my husband fruits," I snapped. She rolled her eyes and sashayed towards the refrigerator. I gathered my three plates of food in my hand and headed upstairs. I could hear Carli telling Jamal how much of a bitch I was. Deciding to let her slick ass comments slide, I kick my bedroom door close with my feet before empty two of the plates into the waste bin on side of the dresser.

After eating the small portion of food that I had, I went and took a shower. My mind jump to the thought of seeing my mother. I knew that if I was going around my grandmother, I would most likely see her daughter. My grandmother informed me that she had went to rehab seven months ago and was now four months clean. That information had no type of affect on me. I was happy for her but I honestly didn't care. My mother had put me through alot as a child and a teenager. I raised myself since I was eleven years old. When I turned twelve my grandmother took me in.

Stepping out the shower, I wrapped a towel around me and got dressed. I decided on something simple but cute. My outfit consisted of a pair of white pants with a green tank top and a pair of green Balenciaga heels. Jamal had bought me a whole new wardrobe of designer clothes. I was thankful for that but I wanted way more than material things from him. I walked out of that bathroom and stood in front of the dresser. Jamal walked in and stood in the doorway as he took a bite from an apple.

I applied nude lipstick to my lips as Jamal stood in the doorway watching me. I glanced at him through the mirrior and sighed in relief when i saw him fully dressed. We were supposed to leave in thirty minutes and I refused to be late because of his shenanigans. Charli walked into the room still naked and I quickly turned around. I looked at her then at Jamal who shrugged his shoulder. This bitch had a lot of nerve. It was one thing to walk naked around my house, but it was another to do it in my bedroom. I walked toward Charli and grabbed her by her hair.

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