Chapter Sixty-Six

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"Are you sure you haven't seen her," my dad asked for the third time since he'd call. Viviana had ran away again and I honestly wasn't surprised. It was bound to happened anyways. I just hoped she didn't go back to Icy's place, I would hate for Danaë to get arrested for kidnap.

"I'm all the way across the country, how am I gonna be able to see her. Look Kyle like I told you the first nine times, I don't know where she is and I really couldn't careless, I snapped. I heard Trudy dusty ass say something to him in the background but I couldn't make out what was being said. I was still in my feelings about the way her raggedy ass talk to me and the next time I seen her, she was getting smacked.

"Mónéy enough, she's still your sister," Kyles snapped.

"You know what Kyle, if you aren't dying then don't dial my number. You have a better night," I snapped before hanging up. I probably came off as harsh but I was at my breaking point with him and Trudy. They somehow programmed it in their mind that I was responsible for every fuck up Viviana made, which erked me. I stepped in the view of the body length mirror and examined myself.

"Dammmmnnn bitch, where you going all dressed up," Tiana asked as she walked out the bathroom.

"Out, Icy is taking me on a date whenever he comes back from making his drop. He told me he should be back around nine, so he should be knocking on my door at any minute," I said, filling Tiana in. She groaned inwardly before plopping down on the bed.

"Ughhhhhhhh, I thought you said we had to stick together during this trip. You promised that you wouldn't fall for Icy's bullshit and advised me not to feed into Tech's. Explain to me what happened overnight," she said annoyed. I turned around to face her and rolled my eyes.

"Tee nothing has changed. I won't feed into his bullshit, I promise. This is simply a friendly date were going on. You act like I'm going sleep with the nigga," I inquired.

"Well the way you dressed, it don't seem like you ain't," she stated as she sipped an imaginary cup of tea. I scrunched my face up at her.

"Your opinion will never cut me a check, so keep it to yourself," I snapped. She scoffed and sat up in bed.

"Well excuse the fuck outta me, I'm only stating facts. You need to start practicing what you preach," she mumbled. I sighed deeply and sat next to her.

"So what do you want me to do, cancel my date," I asked.

"Well I didn't say that but it would make me feel better," she said innocently.

"You are so annoying Tiana. Do you wanna tag along, so you can know how friendly it is," I asked frustrated. She looked at me like I was crazy before smirking.

"Wait you're serious? Of course I wanna go, lemme go get dress. Bitch I'm finna be soooooo cute," she said excitedly before disappearing in the bathroom. I sat on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"God you know I don't want Tiana to come on this date with me. God you also know that I don't wanna get beat up again. I'm asking you to get me out of this situation without my nose or mouth getting busted. You and I both know Tiana is capable of busting my as-," my prayer was interrupted by Kree bursting through the door.

"Aye, what's crack-a-lacking, what y'all up too," he holler. I looked down at all the snacks he had in his hand and raised an eyebrow.

"Kree what do you think you doing," I asked rudely. He smacked his teeth and sat the bags of snacks on the dresser before walking towards me and sitting on the bed.

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