Chapter Fourteen

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"Ugh," I moaned out as I try and make it to the bathroom without pissing in my pants. I've been having bad ass cramps since last night and they've got worse this morning. This baby was whopping my ass. I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door behind me before sitting on the toilet and closed my eyes.

Letting all my liquids out never felt so good, but I doubled over in pain once I was done. I took a deep breath and wiped myself, and that's when I saw it. The toilet tissue was bright red, which scared the piss out of me. I immediately begin to panic as I pulled the tissue off its roll and stuffed it inside of my panties.

Knock knock. "Yo ma, you in there 'cause I gotta pee. I would use my bathroom but my plumbing backed up," Jamal called out. I wiped my face and got my self together. My heart was in my stomach as I opened the door. Jamal was leaning against the doorway grinning at me. I weakly smiled then pushed pass him. I could tell he wanted to say something but he just went to the bathroom.

I walked in the room then sat on the edge of the bed. My legs were shaking and my nerves were all over the place. I put my head in my hands and cried. Right now my life was so fucked up. At first I didn't want to have a kid, but some point in my pregnancy I had accepted the fact that I was going to be someone's mom.

A knock on the door made me jump. I already knew it was Jamal but I didn't feel like being bothered. I was about to tell him go away but I remembered that this was his house, so I dragged my feet to the door and opened it.

"Yes," I said sniffling then looking at him. He was smiling at first but then he realized that I was crying. I guess my puffy red eyes gave it away. He stood straight up and looked at me seriously.

"Aye some'um wrong," he asked seriously. I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head. I feel like the only reason he allowed me into his home because I was pregnant, and the whole me rescuing Mónéy situation.

"I'm good..... I just think I'm coming down with a summer cold or something like that," I replied. He gave me that 'I ain't no dumb ass nigga' face but nodded his head. I knew he knew I was lying but he wasn't going to get the truth out me today.

"Iight, you hungry?" I nodded my head and he motioned for me to follow him. I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen where the smell of breakfast filled my nose. I wasn't in the mood for none of this good smelling food but if I didn't want to give Jamal any ideas, I had no choice but to tear this food up. I walked over to the round table and took a seat next to him. He smiled as he walked around the table and sat plates of food in front of me.

"I ain't know what you or the baby like so I made a bunch of shit for y'all before I leave," he said as he slipped into a shirt. I put a couple of pieces of bacon on my plate as I watched him.


"Yea, I gotta go to work but I'll be back later on. I'll send somebody to check in on you. Make ya self comfortable but not to comfortable. When I make it back maybe we could go see Mónéy or some'um shit like that." I nodded my head in disappointment. I didn't want him to leave because then I'll be all alone.

"Can I ask you something," I said, saying the first thing that came to my mind.

"You just did, but I guess you could ask me some'um else."

"Do, do you remember me. When we were little we were like best friends." He squinted his eyes like he was thinking. Then he smirked at me.

"Remesha?" I smiled at him and nodded my head. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Damn girl where you've been. We was close as fuck, til you vanish without saying goodbye." I stuff some toast in my mouth to avoid answering him. He watched me as I ate my food. The atmosphere was awkward. We started playing eye tag across the table. Everytime I look up, he'd be staring at me smirking causing me to blush.

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