Chapter Twenty-Two

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"ID please," the bouncer stated as soon as we approached him. Danaë and the others quickly showed them their IDs. I on the hand, took forever to take it out my clutch. He looked over each of our IDs and nodded before moving the thick red string out of our way. As soon as we stepped in the club my nerves started jumping everywhere. The DJ was playing No Problem by Chance the Rapper. We made our way pass all the people and crowds and found us a table in the corner of the club. I was grateful for the secluded spot.

"Damn it's lit in hea'," Danaë yelled over the loud music as she took a seat in one of the chair.

"Bitch I know, it's only 10:00 and the club already jumping," Tiana agreed. The scenery of the club was really nice. I looked around the club and took everything in, this was my first time being in a real club. I went to clubs before, but they were only teen clubs. Tiana, Mrs. Anna's granddaughter and myself, use to sneak out at night every other Saturday night and go to a few teen clubs. They weren't lit as this one was, this was a real club right here.

"Iight, iight, iight, y'all calm down. We know we don't want no problems with y'all, but right now I need all the sexy, grown, single, paid, and demanding ladies to the dance floor. I got a lil treat fa y'all horny asses," the DJ yelled. Asia grabbed Danaë's hand and they disappeared onto the crowed dance floor. The DJ dropped the beat and almost every female in the club starting saying that's my shit, play that louder, or shit yea. Kia's voice boomed through the speakers as her song My Neck, My Back played.

Do it now, lick it good suck this pussy just like you should

My neck, my back, lick my pussy just like that...

For some reason Icy popped up in my mind and I found myself staring at the messages he sent me. He was definitely a character, he kept me laughing but he also knew how to piss me off. He stayed programmed in my head like he supposed to be there or something.

"I guess you too sidity to dance huh," Tiana said knocking on the table. I looked up from my phone and looked at her. She had her hand under her chin as if she was in school and the teacher was boring the hell out of the class.

"Why does it matters to you, evey since you've been back you been coming for me for no reason. I mean with us being so tight and shit ain't you 'pose to be all jolly and shit to see me." Tiana scoffed then frowned at me. I don't know why she was upset. I wasn't the one who left without a trace, she was. I also wasn't the one the one who came back with a nasty ass attitude, she was!

"Girl you out yo mind, I know you saw me trynna be nice to yo stubborn ass. You kept avoiding me and blowing me off. I understand that I left you hea' alone but Mónéy I had to get away. I couldn't stay in New Orleans in that foster home like that. I'm grateful to still be alive, if I was to stay here my life would be all fucked up, you wouldn't have me around. I thought you'd understand but I was wrong. So yea I'm sorry, not for leaving but because you're a selfish motherfucker who thinks the world revolves around her."

Once those words left her mouth I instantly felt horrible. Tiana was absolutely right, I never considered what she was going through, I was only worried about me being bored. I never took the time to be happy that my best friend was finally safe once she left. But at that moment, with all those flashing lights flashing around, the provocative music booming through the speakers, and people dancing and having a good time, my mind clicked and I realized I had been upset for so long for no reason.

"Ugh, you got me up hea' feeling like shit! I'm sorry Tee. I wasn't thinking about how you were alone out there in Atlanta, I was just worried about me being lonely down here. You just up and left without saying goodbye. I just-, you know what I'm sorry for being such a shitty best friend. I miss you and I want to be back the way we once were, like you are honestly the only person I trusted," I yelled over the loud music. She looked at me and her frowned turned into a smile, a smile crept up on my face as well.

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