Chapter Eighty

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Two month later.............


"This honestly isn't fair! I can't believe I won't see you before you leave," Viviana pouted on the screen. I chuckled and shook my head as I leaned the phone up against the vanity mirror. We were on FaceTime for a minute now and I had explained to her that Anthony and I were moving to Miami.

"Don't be a sour puss, you can always come visit me," I reminded her as I stuff the last few of my clothes into my suitcase. Peanut turned to me and frowned.

"We never discussed visitors," he whispered. I shooed him off and walked the opposite way of him.

"Still it won't be the same, plus I highly doubt I'll be able to even leave this place," Viviana whined. Peanut yelped in excitement as he grabbed one of the suitcases off the bed. I gave him a scolding look, causing him to put his head down and leave out the room.

"Well how about I come visit you in Ohio? I hear they have the best cooked deer down there," I joked. Viviana smacked her teeth and groaned.

"You're soooooo funny Danaë," she said sarcastically. I laughed and shook my head.

"Baby we gotta go, only an hour and a half left before the plane takes off," Peanut said, tapping his Rolex. I nodded my head.

"Viv I'll call you as soon as I land," I said.

"You better and if you don't, I'm making a personal trip to Miami," she said.

"Try not to kill those other girls, OK."

"Ok," she mumbled.

"Love you," I said.

"Love you too," she said back before we ended the call.

"Can I get some love," Peanut asked as he leaned down to kiss me. I looked up at him before mushing his face.

"We have so much to do in this little hour, you'll get your love a little later on," I explained. He smirked before smacking my butt.

"Alright, I can wait," he said. I pushed pass him and walked towards the living area where Kree was struggling to pick up my luggage. Over the course of the two months, I had gotten better at walking. I no longer needed the wheelchair, nor those ugly crunches. Now I was walking with the support of my brand new prosthetic leg.

"Kree what are you doing," I asked as I quickly walked towards him.

"Ion want y'all to leave me all alone," he said sadly. I pushed him out the way before laughing.

"Kree you're an adult and so are we. You'll be fine in this big ass empty house all alone with no one to share it with," I teased. He smacked his teeth and playfully pushed me.

"Shut up! Aye you remember I told you we can run off and go ghost on everybody? That offers still on the table, shawty," he said. I rolled my eyes and frowned.

"I'm married Kree, to your brother. Now stop being such a creep and help us with these bags," I ordered. He looked me up and down before plopping down on the couch. I shook my head and headed for the door, when my phone started to ring. I looked at the screen to see my mother calling me. I was hesitant to answer due to the fact that today was Icy's court day and I knew I wasn't going to be there.

"Mommy," I answered as I stepped outside into the May weather.

"Baby girl, how's everything going," she asked. I ran my hand through my hair before shrugging.

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