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next morning »

taehyung POV
i slowly fluttered my eyes opened and saw jungkook right infront of my face. he was hugging my by my neck and apparently my hands were on his waist.

but one thing confused me. didn't jungkook forget the keys yesterday? and didn't we end up sleeping infront of his doorstep? i shook my thoughts when jungkook let out a groan.

i looked at him and he opened his eyes and looked at me. we were now staring at each other. he quickly unwrapped his hands from my neck and i did the same with his waist.

i softly coughed and so did he. "wait. how did we get inside the house?" he said. "i have zero idea" i replied. "what. how. but i forgot my keys and jimin hyung is the only one who has it. how is this even possible?" he said widening his eyes a little. "but seriously, how is that even possible?"

jimin POV
i went out for a short walk and passed by jungkook's house when i saw two figures hugging each other and sleeping in front of his house.

with slow steps, i walked towards the pair and it was taehyung and jungkook. i looked at them. jungkook must've forgotten his keys. he always does that. i shook my head and used the spare key which i had to unlock the door.

i turned on the lights and firstly picked jungkook up amd carried him. he was not heavy at all so it was not difficult carrying him.

then suddenly,"nghh" jungkook let out a groan. fuck no. i cant let him see me so i just carried him and didn't move.

soon after, i heard soft snores which made me know that jungkook fell asleep. i know that jungkook wont wake up even if i shake him continuously because he's a really deep sleeper.

i carefully walked up the stair of his house,opened the door of his room and gently placed him on his bed.

i looked at him as he let of soft snores. i was slowly leaning on to him when i realised there was still taehyung outside.

i walked down where i couldn't see taehyung at all. i lowkey panicked and looked around and he was next to the bushes which was like a meter distance from jungkook's front door step.

i was questioning myself on how the hell could he get there. wasn't he just here a few minutes ago. i walked to him and he suddenly yelled,"yah park jimin! leave jungkook alone man!" my eyes widened as i thought he saw me and yelled at me.

then he started snoring. he was probably sleep talking. since i was not so sure, i threw some rocks next to him. he didn't move but just groaned.

okay he's asleep. i brought his arms around my neck and held his thighs giving him a piggyback ride.

he kept on groaning and suddenly put his head off my shoulder and sat up straight. my heart stopped for a while but he rubbed his nose on my back and went back to sleep. gross. i bet his snot is stuck on my back.

i shook the thoughts of the substance that came put from his nose took taehyung to jungkook's bed.

i placed taehyung quite further away from jungkook since i didn't want them to be hugging each other. i looked at the sleeping jungkook and then to the sleeping taehyung who was rubbing his nose continuously.

i sighed and kissed jungkook softly on the forehead before leaving the house and remembering to lock the door.

sigh. life's hard.

y'all motivate me to write more😫 i've been procrastinating too much lately smh,, i love you

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