twenty two

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taehyung goes down to the hospital canteen and eats a bowl of ramen. he finishes it in a flash since he was really hungry.

as soon as he finishes his food he walks up to jungkook's room. he opens the door and his heart drops down to his stomach when he doesn't see jungkook on his bed.

he panics and looks around the room. "jungkook!" he yelled. he walked all over the room looking for jungkook. he pulled his own hair in frustration and goes out of the room and sees a nurse.

it was the same nurse as he talked with in jungkook's room before. "where's jungkook?" he hurriedly asks. he doesn't let the nurse reply and keeps asking,"why isn't he on his bed? where did he disappear of to? why aren't you replying where is he?!!?!?" he yells.

everyone looks at taehyung. the nurse says,"calm down calm down" taehyung immediately says,"how can i-" but the nurse cuts him off by saying,"another patient had to be roomed there because that room is big and the other patient needs a big room so you're friend is shifted 2 rooms away from this room" she explained.

taehyung calmed down a little bit. "so jungkook is okay?". the nurse nodded,"he's perfectly fine. you can go visit him if you want"

"u-uh thank you" taehyung said and the nurse was about to leave but taehyung stopped her by saying,"and uh i'm sorry for yelling. i was just really worried"

the nurse stopped and gave a genuine smile,"it's okay. i could tell you were worried its no problem".

taehyung nodded and showed a slight smile as she walked away. he walked to jungkook's room and slowly opened the door.

he didn't fully open it but watched jungkook lying on the bed from the little crack through the door. he sighed and thought that he should give jungkook rest and not disturb him with his presence so he went to seat on the seats outside the room.

he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. taehyung's head was really heavy and there was too much happening in his mind.

he was slowly drifting off to sleep but he didn't want to sleep so he went to the washroom and washed his face to freshen up a little. he was walking back to jungkook's room then he saw the other patient was already shifted into the room jungkook was in since the door was fully open.

taehyung thought the patient looked surprisingly very familiar. that filled him up with curiousity and he was about to enter but he heard someone coming his way and he didn't want to look like a creep so he decided itd be best to just walk away.

he walked back to his seat and sat down.

he looked to jungkook's old room and saw a lady who also seemed kind of familiar to him. it felt to him as he's seen her before but he couldn't point out where he had seen her or who she is.

that only made him more curious to find out who was in that room.

i'm sorry this sucked.
the next chapter won't be boring i promise.
and for everyone who's still reading this book thank u for still being here even thought i've been a shit author who barely updates :( i really want to update more but idk i don't have much time or i end up being a lazy bitch i hate myself aoqndiehowmqis but i'll update tommorow and tmr's chapter will probably be the climax so !!!!

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