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jungkook POV
i woke up to the smell of food. hmm pizza? why in the world would i be smelling pizza in the morning.

then i looked around and realised that i wasn't in my own room. suddenly, a shirtless taehyung walked through the door while drying his hair with the towel he was holding.

taehyung looked at me and i looked back at him it was awkward for me but taehyung simply gave me a cheerful smile which made my stomach flip for no stable reason.

"breakfast is ready!" he cheered. i nodded. "lets go eat!!" he said raising his arms up, showing me his armpit hair. not gonna lie it was hot. ok anyways

i pointed at his bare chest and he quickly looked down and gave me a sly smile,"you likey?" "NO! GO CHANGE NOW" i said with the sudden force bursting inside me. taehyung laughed and went to the corner of the room aka where the wardrobe.

"oh yeah," he said "aren't you wondering where you are?". "yes" i replied. "you're in my house!" he said "oohh" i oo-ed

he quickly slipped on a shirt and said "lets go" i got out of bed and went to the bathroom which was in his room and splashed my face with water and since i didn't have a toothbrush i just used his. i mean it's a one time thing, he doesn't have to know. i shrugged and went downstairs since he called me there.

as i was walking down i looked around his house and shit he's house was huuuge. i looked down to where the kitchen was and he was taking out something from the microwave.

i walked downstairs and i heard him yell,"sit at the table!" so i walked to the table and saw his bringing out something from the microwave.

"here!" he cheered and placed the microwaved pizza on the table and sat down. "what?" he looked at me when i looked at him confusingly.

"are you seriously having frozen pizza for breakfast?" i asked. "it's not frozen once you've microwave it dummy" he laughed. "i-" i was about to say but he cut me off by saying,"just eat oh my god"

i nodded and took a slice. it was quite good actually. then suddenly school came up to my mind. "wait so school?" i asked. "oh yea we start classes a little late today because they said there was some teachers meeting or some shit" taehyung said while looking at the slice of pizza in his hands.

i nodded as i chewed my pizza. soon we were done eating and he went ahead and placed the plate in the sink.

"ok lets get ready for school!" taehyung said the moment he came from the kitchen. "what?" i asked,"did u say we start classes late?"

taehyung gave an sheeply smile and said,"you see... i lied" my eyes widened. he continued,"but it was because you would be in a hurry and you would've even eaten the pizza if i told you we had school and we were late!"

ok but he was right. i mean i would've probably freaked out. "but still!" i said. "okok lets not spend time arguing lets just get dressed" taehyung said.

"ya think" i slightly rolled my eyes which made taehyung giggle for some reason. "wait but i don't have my uniform" i said.

"shit i don't have an extra one. i do but it's in the laundry" taehyung said. "it's ok i'll run home" i said,"i don't have my backpack here either"

"no" he denied,"you cnat just run home". "sure i can. you don't even live that far away from my house" i said looking out the window.

"what?" taehyung asked confused. "see? that's my house" i said while pointing at the black roof which was far but not so far. "wait so that's where u live?" taehyung asked. i nodded.

"well ok i guess then" taehyung said,"but don't be late. even though we already are. oh you get what i mean!" he said. "okok" i laughed and went out the door.

3rd person POV
"so jungkook lived right there but i took a fucking bus to his house when i could've just walked? oh my god i'm so stupid" taehyung was talking to himself.

while jungkook was already home and he got dressed in a flash. he grabbed his backpack and carefully not forgetting his keys, he stepped out of his house and locked the door.

he walked quite fast since he didn't want to be anymore late. they had already missed 3 periods. jungkook had almost reached school when his phone buzzed.

he looked at his phone and his heart skipped a beat when he saw who it was.


ok but how in the world did i get 300 followers im so shOOk but tHANK YOU

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