twenty nine

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taehyung pov
jimin has AIDs?
for some reason i feel as if my soul flew out of my body and my body's just an empty shell. but as the doctor passes by me, i snap back to reality and blink my eyes a few times before turning back my attention to jimin.

i hear him sigh loudly.

when the doctor leaves the room, i slowly reveal myself to jimin. he doesn't notice me because he has his eyes closed. i'm about to say something when i notice a drop of tear rolling down his shut right eye. without jumping into any assumptions, i say, "jimin?"

i can tell he's taken aback since he definitely did not expect that out of everyone, i would be there. he quickly rubs his tears away and sits upstraight, "what the fuck dude!" he almost yells "stop stalking me."

"listen, i heard what the doctor said earlier. what's up?" i say. "listen asshole, whatever u heard is none of your damn business. so get your fucking ass out of here. and keep your damn mouth shut." he shots back.

i'd be lying if i say i'm not pissed. but looking from his point of view, i'm not going to blame him. i mean, it is kinda creepy for me to be showing up randomly at his ward and questioning him.

but i can't help it. it just feels like there's something i need to know. and it makes me feel like it has something to do with jungkook as well.

"jimin," i start off with a much calmer tone, "i'm not here to judge. i want to help you. just tell me what's going on." i notice he's a little shocked from my calm approach as he was probably expecting my reply to me far more aggressive. he slightly opens his mouth to argue but looks at me and closes his mouth.

we maintain eye contact for around a minute and during that minute, i don't see the usual dickhead glare. instead, i see sadness. i see disappointment. i see pain. but what's confusing me is how his eyes are telling me so much yet they look so empty.

"there's nothing going on." he mummers. "okay whatever," i sigh "there is something going on and i'm going to get to the bottom of this whether you like it or not." i suddenly sear fear strike across his eyes. i turn my back at him and head towards the door.


*ding dong*
taehyung rings his doorbell but jungkook doesn't answer. taehyung's heart skips a beat wondering what jungkook could be doing that he's not opening the door. he hurriedly shuffles through his pocket and grabs his keys to open the door himself.

taehyung enters the apartment but doesn't see jungkook anywhere. he checks the bedroom to see if the younger is sleeping hut he's not there. "jungkook!"he yells. no reply. "jungkook!" he yell again.

suddenly the door knob of the bathroom inside his room moves. taehyung quickly turns and the bathroom door opens, revealing jungkook. the younger only has a towel wrapped around his waist. his hair is damp and has drops of water steaming down his hair strands which suggests he must've taken a shower.

taehyung sighs in relief, "thank god." but frowns when he notices the bruises all over jungkook's body. he feels like heart drop right into his stomach and struggles to swallow his own saliva.

"i-i'm sorry," jungkook says, "i was taking a shower." "no no it's alright," taehyung replies, "i just got worried. haha" he manages to let out a laugh. "here wear something fast or you'll get cold." taehyung says and passes jungkook some of his clothes. "thank you." the younger replies as he takes the offered clothes.

"i'll be outside." taehyung says as he leaves the room. jungkook quickly changes and when he's out, he smells a delicious aroma which causes him to drool. taehyung sees jungkook and says, "oh you're done. let's eat! i bought us burgers."

both of them sit down in-front of the tv with their burgers in their hands. "what do you wanna watch?" taehyung asks. "hmm," jungkook starts thinking, "hannah montana?" taehyung's lips immediately curl into a big smile, "you took the words right out of my mouth."

the two spend four hours watching hannah montana and laughing their asses off. taehyung looks at jungkook and feels his heart warm up when he notices the younger whole-heartedly laughing. "hahaha he's so funny tae-" jungkook laughs but sees taehyung staring at him, "w-what? is there something on my face?" taehyung shakes his head. "then why are you staring?" jungkook questions. "you're just- you're so beautiful." taehyung says with his eyes glistening. jungkook blushes, "t-tae."

"you're seriously the most beautiful thing i've ever laid my eyes on," taehyung continues, "i'm so sorry you had to go through all this alone. but now i'm here and i will be with you through it all. no matter what happens i'm not leaving your side and i promise to give you all the happiness you deserve. if you let me."

jungkook feels overwhelmed - in the best way possible. he doesn't know what to say. no words manage to escape his lips. tears are welling up his eyes and he finally manages to say, "thank you."

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