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only to be replied with a soft, low, breathy voice saying "s-stop this p-p-please

taehyung's heart immediately skipped its beating once he heard jungkook's cracking voice. no matter how close they were, taehyung had always thought of jungkook as an introverted person since he would rarely share his personal life or anything really

so the moment he hear jungkook crying for help, the only that was on taehyung's mind was run. taehyung didn't even end the call but just held it in his hand and ran as fast as he could to jungkook.

after running for quite a while taehyung's legs were slowly losing its strength but it didn't matter. he kept running and soon saw jungkook's house which only gave him the strength to run faster.

he didn't even bother to knock the door but just barged in breathing heavily and yelling "jungkook!" he couldn't hear any replies. he went around jungkook's house throwing everything in sight and yelling jungkook's name repeatedly.

he ran to jungkook's room and saw the door was already open. he went in and searched for jungkook but still he failed.

but then his eyes went to the corner of his room which had a door in which the door was open and a bloody hand was peeking out.

taehyung slowly went to the door praying that it wasn't jungkook's hand. but unfortunately, the moment he saw who that hand belonged to his heart dropped down to his stomach. his throat tied itself up in a knot.

without thinking twice, he got down on both knees and cried out to the jungkook who was on the bathroom floor with blood almost all over the floor. his cheeks had cuts, so did his thighs and not to mention his wrists.

jungkook's bathroom was like a murder scene, there was blood everywhere and jungkook was lying there pale. with dried tears stained on his cheeks. his hair was a mess. taehyung kept on crying while he placed jungkook's head on his lap. taehyung couldn't think of anything. all he could do was cry.

just then, taehyung saw the phone which was in his hand but

taehyung threw his phone and his attention went towards jungkook. his heart was shattered into a billion - zillion pieces seeing jungkook like that.

taehyung thought that if he called the ambulance it would take too long to arrive so he picked jungkook up in a bridal style and ran out of the house.

taehyung knew that there was a hospital quite close to jungkook's house so he ran as fast as he could while carrying jungkook's weight which was a little difficult but it didn't matter.

taehyung was getting breathless and his arms were getting tired, and his legs were slowly giving up on him but he managed to reach the hospital. he rushed inside and yelled "help! help!"

all eyes were on him and a doctor came towards him and took jungkook on a bed. the nurses took jungkook to a room which taehyung was not allowed to go in.

"sorry sir but you're not allowed to go in" a nurse said. "b-but i have to i can't let him be alone!" taehyung cried out. "i understand but no one's allowed inside apart from the staffs" the nurse exclaimed. taehyung was about to argue but shut himself up and said,"okay"

the nurse went inside the room and taehyung went to sit in a seat. he cupped his face and buried it in his hands and started to cry. he didn't know what to think. millions of questions were roaming through his head. what if jungkook is not fine? why did he do this? will he be okay? what if jungkook never w-

he stopped himself from thinking anymore negative thoughts. he sat up straight with tears still in his eyes. he sighed and looked at the hallway where there were lots of other patients.

taehyung let our a sigh again and stood up to go to the men's room. he took unstable steps as he was tired from all that running. he went to the washroom to wash his face and when he got out

he saw a guy with his backfaced at him but it was too familiar. the back view of that guy was way to familiar for him to look away.

the guy turned around but some people came and blocked taehyung's view on that guy so taehyung sighed and he was about to walk away but he heard a woman's voice and she called out,


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