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jungkook pov
"you slurp so loudly" i complained to taehyung who was slurping on his noodles extremely loudly. "wksgat" he managed to say with his mouth full of ramen.

i had to admit, he looks cute with his cheeks puffed up and filled with ramen. he i-

my thoughts were interrupted by a burp. i looked at taehyung who look very satisfied with the burp he has just burped out.

"gross," i scrunched my nose "you're disgusting"

"oh my gosh" he gasped,"how could you even say that! for your information, burping is a form of art" he said pretending to be offended from the fact that i just called his 'form of art' gross

i rolled my eyes

"eat your burrito kid" he said to me. he did not just fucking called me kid. "who are you calling a kid" i said

"you" he smiled. "says the one who still wears spongebob underwear" i huffed

"sweet jesus! it's only today shhhHh!!" his eyes widened as he shushed me down. i couldn't help but to laugh

and i guess i was laughing a little TOO loudly, basically the whole cafeteria had its eyes on me. i stopped my laugh and continued eating my burrito which made taehyung start giggling

one last bite and my burrito was finished. "should we go now?" taehyung said. i nodded and we stood up and threw away the wrapping of the burrito and the cup of taehyung's cup ramen.

we walked along the hallways since there was still about 10 minutes till the bell rang. "this school is huge" taehyung suddenly said "u-uh yeah" i nodded in response

"why do you look so surprised?" he asked me. i must've looked shocked because i couldn't help but to think about jimin hyung.

i always used to be with jimin hyung at this time. he would be hitting me and filling my ears with insults at the time but here i am with taehyung. jimin hyung is totally going to kill me.

"look who we have here" i heard taehyung grit. i averted my gaze to see jimin hyung standing in front of us. i gulped.

"jungkook" he sternly said. my eyes widened as they looked up to him and i gulped even harder. "we need to go" jimin hyung said and grabbed my wrist.

"i don't think so" taehyung said and grabbed jimin hyung's hand and pulled it apart from mine. "jungkook is going no where near you" he stated

jimin hyung let out a dry laugh,"and why would that be? i'm his boyfriend. i can do whatever i want with him"

"boyfriend?" taehyung mocks and laughs,"a boyfriend who calls him names, hits him, abuses him not only physically but mentally, makes him cry himself to sleep, makes him suicidal. that's what you call a boyfriend? listen dude, a boyfriend is someone who cares and loves for the significant other. not someone who hurts them. a boyfriend is someone who would drop everything for their other half when they need help. not someone who makes them need help. you don't have any absolute right to even call yourself his boyfriend because truthfully you don't even deserve that title. and oh how do i know that you abuse jungkook? i knew it myself. do you really think i'm blind that i cnat see you flirting with other girls and i haven't seen you hurt him? because whoops i have. don't even think about blaming jungkook and thinking he's going around asking for sympathy from others because he's not. like it or not, being a boyfriend comes with many responsibilities and requires tough work. if you think being a boyfriend is only about labelling yourself as a 'boyfriend' and going around fucking other girls while hurting your own loved one, then you should get yourself fucking checked."

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