Chapter 13- 10 Days till Attack

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Charlotte Midnight's POV

Evil Chucky and many of the other wolves were giving Carter dirty looks. It was quite unsettling, but I don’t think Carter cared, he just hugged me tighter.

"I think you should step away from the Luna," growled a pack member. I few other wolves nodded in approval but didn’t speak up.

"We're fine," Carter growled back, causing me to giggle.

"dude, back off," A different pack member growled, I remember talking to him last time we were in here, I think his name was Logan.

"I said NO!" Carter growled again, causing me to flinch in his arms.

Suddenly, Carter was ripped away from me. I gasped at the loud contact of a fist to his face. I looked up to see Logan standing with pride on his face.

"How dare you!" I shouted and slapped him across the face.

Without warning, memories of Ayden came swarming back. When I first met him during the battle, his possessive side that is almost always there, when I ran away and nearly got murdered and when he locked me in his bedroom. There wasn’t anything good that came with these memories, just negative thoughts about the mate I thought was perfect.

I pressed my hand to the headache that began to pound in my cranium. I whimpered as the pain intensified.

Ayden Red's POV

I walked into my crowded office and began to get bombarded with questions. I brushed everyone off and sat down at the head of my meeting table.

"SILENCE! One at a time," I roared causing everyone in the room to immediately hush.

"Alpha," An elderly man whom was sat at the table spoke first, "I have a farm just east of the pack house and I was wondering if you could supply the funding to raise cattle there as well as sheep."

"Yes, next," I demanded as I relaxed on my chair.

"Alpha," The pack's high school principle began, "we need more funding for school equipment, like smart whiteboards, laptops for the new students next year, books and sports equipment."

"You can have the money for laptops, books and half the sports equipment you want, we don’t have a big enough budget for smart boards yet."

"Alpha," A small blonde headed woman bowed her head, "The primary school is having a school ballet and all the kids were hoping you and the Luna will come and watch."

I thought about the option for a moment. I should be planning our defence against the attack Joseph Midnight is planning, not going to school plays, but maybe Charlotte will like it.

"I will discuss it with Charlotte," I stated firmly, relief flushed her face as a smile grew.

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