Chapter 1

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“Lexi come on you’re going to miss your flight!”  My roommate Kat called to me. It had been 4 months since my break up and it was now spring break and I was headed to Florida alone.  I had gotten two tickets for me and my now ex best friend, and after what had happened, returned hers and kept the money for my trip.  I pulled a beanie over my long wavy brown hair and looked in the mirror one last time. My light green eyes looked as tired as I felt and I just sighed before shutting my light off and shutting my door.

 I wasn’t the most attractive girl ever, but I wasn’t ugly either. I had almost waist length wavy brown hair that I usually straightened and fairly light green eyes.  I was average height, and while I was far from model thin, I got enough exercise so that I was thin, but curvy.

My roommate Kat on the other hand was drop dead gorgeous. Tall, with killer curves, black hair and the palest blue eyes I swear I have ever seen. Her skin was like milk, and she had been blessed with a perfect complexion.  You would think that she wanted to be a model with her looks but no, she was in Uni for video game design.  She was a tom boy down to her very core, never wearing much makeup aside from eyeliner and mascara.

“I wish you were coming with me Kat.” I said to her with a small pout when she dropped me off at the airport. “I know lex, but Jake and I are visiting his parents in Canada” She said. Jake was her boyfriend, they had been dating for 4 years, they started online and when he moved to New York for school they just got closer.

 I hugged my roommate good bye and went to board my plane for the 3 hour flight to Miami for spring break. The flight was pretty boring. I read some random book my mom had given me, one of those drug store romance novels.  I got a cab from the airport to my hotel and checked in and took a nap.

When I woke up the sun had gone down and I was starving.  I checked the time on my phone, it was 11 pm. I sighed, upset with myself that I had slept so long and decided to go out for some food. I checked on google to see what restaurants were open this late and found out there was a Denny’s nearby that would still be open.

I decided to walk there since it wasn’t very far. I listened to music on my way there, not really paying attention to the world around me.  I got to the restaurant and it looked pretty dead. I still had my headphones in when a waitress came to take me to my seat. As I was about to take my headphones out I noticed a look of shock on her face as she looked behind me. Fearing the worst I took my headphones out and turned around slowly, a look of fear on my face. 

The look soon turned to surprise and relief “Oh” was all I could say as a sigh escaped my mouth. There, standing behind me were Harry Styles and Niall Horan from One Direction.  Harry looked at me with a raised brown and a bit of a smirk, while Niall just looked confused. “You know most girls look like here when they see us and freak out” Harry said, pointing to the waitress, who still looked like a deer in the headlights.  I chuckled a bit “ well considering I didn’t hear you two come in and I was afraid you were gun toting robbers, it’s kind of a relief to see it’s just a couple of famous pop stars” I said with a smile. Both boys just laughed. I held out my hand to them both “I’m Lexi by the way, and I know who you both are” I said with a smile. I wasn’t one of those super crazy One Direction fans, but I did have all their albums. Both boys smiled and shook my hand “It’s nice to meet you Lexi.” Niall said. I swooned a little at his accent, Irish accents were my favorite. “Since we scared you would you like to eat with us?” Harry asked. “Sure that would be awesome” I said with a huge smile on my face.

The waitress showed us to a booth, glaring at me a bit. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her under my breath. I scanned the menu and ordered a burger and fries with a chocolate shake. The boys ordered their food, and I swear Niall ordered enough to feed a small army. We sat and talked a bit while we waited for their food. “I thought you boys were supposed to be in the UK getting ready for your tour?” I asked them. “That is what we wanted everyone to think. We got a week off for holidays before tour prep so all of us decided to come here. The other lads brought their girlfriends so they are all having alone time.” Harry said with a small smirk. “Oh, well that’s awesome.” I said, not really knowing what else to say. “So why are you here alone? Isn’t it spring break for you guys?” Niall asked me.  I sighed, not really wanting to answer the question, but also not really having much of a choice. “I was going to come with my best friend, but I found her with my boyfriend over Christmas break. I had been planning and saving for this for a year and I didn’t want to just waste it. So I came alone.” I said. Both boys looked at me sadly. “I’m sorry you went through that.” Harry said, reaching out and patting my hand. “That guy obviously didn’t know what he had” Niall added.

Just then the waitress arrived with our food. Niall gave an excited little squeak and dug right in. I couldn’t help but laugh at the Irish boy. I had heard he loved to eat, but never thought it was that much.  The food was wonderful, and much to the boys surprise I ordered dessert after. Niall smiled at me like an idiot. “What?” I asked him, my mouth full of some cake like thing. “Nothin.” He said with a smile. I just shrugged and went back to eating.

When the waitress came to give us our bills I was surprised when the boys offered to pay for my dinner as well. “I can pay for myself guys it’s no biggie” I tried to protest. “It’s on us love” Harry said with a smile and I melted a little inside. I may not be a crazy fan girl, but when Harry styles calls you love and smiles at you, you can’t help but melt.

“So what hotel are you at?” Niall asked me as we were walking out of the restaurant.  I told him which one, and said it wasn’t far and that I would just walk back since I had walked there. “Nonsense. We are at the same place, and it isn’t safe for you to walk alone this late anyways. We are driving you back.” Harry said. I wasn’t exactly going to argue. We got into a silver rental car, I have no idea what kind since I know nothing about cars, and drove off. The drive was short and when we got out a valet came to park the car. The boys insisted on walking me to my room, claiming that gentlemen always walk a lady to her door.

“Well this is me” I said, standing outside my door. “Can we get your number?” The blond asked me with a shy smile. I chuckled at him and gave them my number. “Just let me know who you are if you text me.” I said. They just nodded and both hugged me goodbye. I walked into my room and flopped on the bed. I could hardly believe what had happened. Things like that don’t happen in real life, they just don’t.  I plugged my phone into my charger just as it went off. I checked it and saw that I had two texts, one from Harry and one from Niall, both saying it was nice to meet me and wishing me a good night. I saved their numbers into my phone and wished them both a good night back before changing into my pj’s and going to bed.


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