Chapter 2

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 I woke up around 11 the next morning to my phone going off. I groaned and grabbed it, seeing that I had a bunch of messages from both Niall and Harry, both wanting to know what I was doing that day, then asking where I was and why wasn’t I answering. I also had one missed call from Harry. I  was about to answer the texts when I heard a knock at my door.  I sighed and got out of bed and opened the door. There, standing in front of me, was Niall and Harry. “It’s 11 am why are you here guys?” I asked, rubbing sleep out of my eyes. They looked at me and both of them blushed. It was then that I remembered what I wore to bed, a tank top and very short shorts. I just stood there looking at them, waiting for an answer “Uhh…um… we tried texting and calling but you didn’t answer” Harry said. “We wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today? The other lads and their girlfriends and us are all going to the beach” Niall said, his face bright red. I chuckled a bit at them. “Well I was sleeping, that’s why I didn’t answer. And I would love to go. I just need to get dressed.”  I said. Both boys had huge smiles on their faces. “Great! Text one of us when you’re ready and we will meet you here.” Niall said excitedly. I couldn’t help but laugh. “alright. I’ll see you in a bit guys.” I said before shooing them away and closing the door.

I had a quick shower and put my wet hair up into a messy pony. I also added a bit of waterproof mascara to my lashes to make it look like I had some.  I opted for a cute one piece since I wasn’t fond of showing my tummy. I had been a chunky kid and had marks on my tummy from it that I was really self conscious of.  I put on a pair of  track shorts over my suit and texted both of the boys. Within minutes they were at my door and we were headed down to the lobby.

Once there I met the rest of the boys and their girlfriends. It didn’t take long before one of them noticed that I had a couple of tattoos.   I had a small heart on my wrist and a larger one on my back that was two eyes in a celtic knot with purple angel wings coming out of the side. The wings were just visible peaking out of my suit. “ how did we not notice these last night?” Harry asked, trying to get a better look at the one on my back. I chuckled and swatted him away. “I had my hair down last night.”

We ended up taking two vans to get to the beach. Liam, Zayn and their girlfriends in one and Louis, Elenor,  Harry, Niall and myself in the other one. Harry and I talked about tattoos the whole ride to the beach. At one point in the conversation I looked over to Niall and saw that he had a bit of a frown on his face, which disappeared when he caught me looking at him.

It was a day that was made for going to the beach. Clear blue skies all around.  I was a bit worried about all of us getting spotted at the beach, but we ended up on a part of it that didn’t have a whole lot of people.   We sat around for a bit, chatting and getting to know eachother.  I found that I really liked the other boys and their girlfriends. It was nice to see just how down to earth they really were, even pulling little pranks on each other like most boys their age. Only a few fans came up and asked for pictures, which the boys were more than happy to give.

I was laying on the beach when the curly haired boy surprised me by picking me up and running with me over his shoulder to the water. I screamed all the way there and until he tossed me in the freezing cold water.  When I came back up from under the water I shot him a death glare. “What was that for?!?” I yelled at him. The other boys were cracking up and I could see the girls had followed Harry and were laughing too. “I just figured it was time you came swimming” He said with a sweet smile. “Don’t you give me that sweet innocent smile styles, I know you’re actually evil.” I said. He looked at me with fake hurt, putting his hand on his chest “You wound me with your words Lexi” he said. I stuck my tongue out at him and then splashed him.  He had a look of shock on his face as everyone else just laughed harder.

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