Chapter 14

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Ch 14

Niall’s pov

I was so mad at Harry that I wanted to punch him. That’s why I left and went to find Liam. He always was the one I went to talk to when it was something serious. I knocked on his door before going right in. I knew the girls were all out and that he would be alone. “Hey Nialler what’s up?” He asked me as I sat on the bed beside him. “It’s Lexi. I’m sure you know by now that both Harry and I are trying to win her heart” I said. He sighed. “I know mate. I really don’t know what to say to that one. You two have never fought over a girl before.” “I know, but I think Lexi is worth fighting for, I just don’t know how to win her over. I mean Harry has all the charm, that bad boy look that the girls go crazy for, but the sweetness of a teddy bear. How do I compete with that? I mean I’m no where close to as fit as him, or you for that matter.” I sighed. I couldn’t lose, but with the odds stacked against me so high I was afraid I was going to. “Do you really fancy her? Can you see a relationship between you and Lexi being long term?” Liam asked me. “Absolutely­. I’ve never cared about a girl as much as I do Lexi.” I said, fully believing my words. Liam nodded. “Then you are going to have to prove to her that this is more than a game to you. That you really want her, for who she is. You need to do something special.” He said. “I’m not too sure what to do though.” I pouted as I thought about what would prove to her I really cared. “once we are done with the awards show here we have two months off and we go back to London.” Liam said. “I know” I sighed. I didn’t have too much time. “I think I am going to help you out a bit Ni. Just leave it with me for a bit. You’ll see.” Liam told me. I just nodded. I was confused and curious as to what Liam was planning, but before I could ask, Sophia came in the room, offering me a warm smile. “Hey Ni.” She said, giving me a hug. “Don’t mind me Soph I was just heading back to my room.” I said, walking towards the door to give the couple some alone time.

I found out later the next day what Liam was planning. “Oh my god are you serious?” I heard Lexi squealing as I walked into Liams room. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Liam invited me to come back to London with you guys. He said that Sophia was looking for a flat mate for the next little bit and since I’m still your twitter person it made more sense if I was in London with you guys” She said, it was obvious that she was excited. I looked at Liam and gave him a smile. He smiled back with a wink.  “well that’s great. I can’t wait to show you around London.” I said, giving her a huge grin. She blushed and smiled back. “Who are we showing around London?” I heard Harry ask from behind me. “Liam invited me to come back with you guys” Lexi told him with as much excitement as she had told me.  I couldn’t help but feel my mood drop slightly. I knew Harry would take advantage of it just as much as I was going to.  “well that’s lovely.” Harry said, sending her his signature lady killing smile. She blushed and looked away. I had to beat him I just had to.

A few days later we were all boarding our plane back to London. Lexi was going to buy some new stuff while there, and had already given Kat two months worth of rent. She was going to have to pitch in for bills with Sophia, but the rest of it was taken care of.  The two girls sat close to eachother, talking about all the things they were going to be able to do while Lexi was there. I was both happy and a little saddened that Sophia was going to take so much of Lexi’s time. Happy because that meant Harry couldn’t , but sad because it meant neither could I.

The day after we landed we were having a big welcome home party at Harrys. He was the one with the biggest flat since he used to share it with Lou before  he moved in with Elenor.  I got there last, having gotten a bit mobbed by fans picking up some beer for the party.  I could see Lexi standing next to Harry, his arm around her waist. They were both laughing at something and I felt my heart drop.

I walked over to them and offered her a smile. “hey Lex. Harry.” I said, nodding at my bandmate.  “Ni!” Lexie squealed, pulling me into a huge hug. I could tell by the way she was acting that she had already had a few drink. I raised a brow at Harry and he just shrugged and shook his head at me, signaling that he had no idea what was going on. “It’s only been a coupla hours since you saw me Lex.” I said with a chuckle. “I know but I can still be happy to see you.” She said with a grin. A few seconds later Louis came over, dropping an ice cube down the back of her top “YOU’RE GONNA GET IT TOMLINSON!” Lexi screamed as Louis ran off. She took off chasing him with a glass with ice left in it, hoping to get him back.

It wasn’t long before we heard a girly scream come from down the hall. I turned, worried that something had happened to Lexi, when I saw her walk around the corner, a triumphant smile on her face. She was soon followed by Louis, who was wet and had something weird in his hair. “El, she dumped water and honey on me!” He said, pouting and pointing at Lexi, who just laughed. Elenor was on the floor, laughing and crying at the sight of her boyfriend. Louis just pouted at her “It’s not funny El.” He said. She was still laughing when she got up to help her boyfriend clean up. “I will get you back!” He yelled as Elenor lead him to the bathroom.

Lexi was still laughing when she flopped down on the couch next to me. “That was an epic comeback” I said to her, smiling at her. “Thanks Ni. He deserved every bit of it” She said, returning my smile. We spent a good few hours chatting. Harry had gone off to talk to Gemma, and the rest of the lads were with their girlfriends.

Sophia was going back to Liam’s flat with him so I offered to drive Lexi back. For once I hadn’t had much, if anything to drink. I was too into my conversation with Lexi to bother with alcohol. “Thanks for the ride.” She said with a shy smile. I leaned over and gave her a small peck on the cheek. “Anything for you love.” I said. I could see her blush slightly. “What are you doing tomorrow?” I asked her. “I think Harry wanted to take me to some place. I can’t remember where though.” She said. I frowned a bit. “I’ll text you later tomorrow then” I said, putting a fake smile on my face. She nodded “sounds good” She said before getting out of my car and heading up to the flat.  I was sure I was losing.

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