Chapter 10

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Ch 10

Lexi’s pov


The next day the boys had another interview, so I got to sleep in and stay at the hotel. I was having trouble deciding on an outfit for my date with Harry. I was so nervous, although I had no idea why. Harry and I had been friends for months. But I guess that’s why they call it a date. Eventually I settled on  a graphic tee and some jeans. I left my hair wavy and just put on a bit of eyeliner and mascara. He said it was casual so I didn’t feel the need to go all out with my makeup.


Harry was on time, knocking on my door at 5 sharp. I took a deep breath and answered. “Hey love ready to go?” He asked, smiling at me. I couldn’t help but smile back “yea I am.” I said. He offered me his arm and I took it as we walked down to the front of the hotel. Once there he showed me into a silver rental. “I figured we could manage on our own.” He said with a wink as he got behind the wheel.


We drove around for about fifteen minutes before he pulled into some random bowling ally. “Bowling?” I said, raising a brow. “Why not? Everyone likes bowling.” He said with that heart stopping smile of his. I chuckled “Alright, it just wasn’t what I was expecting.”  We walked into the place and it was pretty empty, which was good. We walked to the front desk and got our shoes. I thought the poor girl at the counter was going to have a stroke when she saw Harry.


“I have to warn you, I am deadly with a bowling ball, and by deadly I mean really bad.” I said. He just laughed at me. “I think I’ll survive” he said, picking up a ball and throwing it down the lane.  He got almost all the pins the first try, turning around to smirk at me. When he hit the remaining pins I stuck my tongue out at him.  My first few throws were gutter balls. I was losing, though I knew I would.

We were on our second game, and he was standing behind me, trying to tell me how to throw the ball properly.  As I was swinging my hand backwards  I felt the ball slip from my fingers, followed by the most blood curdling scream I had ever heard. I turned around in a panic and saw Harry lying on the ground, clutching his crotch.  “Oh my god Harry I’m so sorry!” I cried running towards him and kneeling down beside him, putting my hand softly on his shoulder. “Should I take you to the hospital?” I asked, concerned. “No it’s alright.” He squeaked out. It took him a good ten minutes before he was able to sit up. “And I thought getting hit in the crotch with a shoe hurt.” He mumbled, trying to stand.


At the end we ended up calling the day short. I drove us back to the hotel where Harry got an ice pack for his wounded manhood. We were alone for a few minutes before Louis came into Harrys room.  He took one look at the ice pack and looked at me “Please tell me you didn’t have him fixed.” He said, joking. “Worse, I hit him with a bowling ball.” I said, pouting . I still felt bad about it, no matter how many times Harry told me it was alright. Louis burst out laughing, and was still laughing when Niall came in.  “what’s goin on?” The blond boy asked. “Lexi hit haz in the nads with a bowling ball.” Louis said, still laughing. Niall looked at me shocked, trying to hide a smile. “I know he can be annoying but does that really deserve a bowling ball to the sack?” He asked me, smirking.  “It was an accident!” I cried, throwing my hands up in the air. “Well I shouldn’t have to worry about hitting high notes anymore” Harry said from the chair. That caused the boys to laugh even harder. I just glared at them. “well since your two boyfriends are here to take care of you I’m gonna go wallow in self pity alone.”  I said, getting up.  “hold on a sec, I’ll walk you back.” Harry said, trying to stand. “are you sure you should be doing that?” I asked as he hobbled towards me. It was hard not to laugh, he looked like a penguin.  “I’m alright.” He said. I chuckled at him, but I knew nothing would change his mind so I let him walk me back.


“I really am sorry about today Harry.” I said once we reached my door. “It was an accident love. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Not like you did it on purpose.” He said with a smile. “I had fun. Thank you.” I said smiling back up at him. “My pleasure love. I’ll see you later.” He said, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on my cheek before hobbling away. My cheeks were burning as I went into my room.  It wasn’t late so I decided to watch a few YouTube videos. 


After getting sucked into YouTube I was about to log off and head to bed when my phone went off. I had a text from Niall. “I want to take you out tomorrow. No bowling tho, I value my manhood. Can I pick you up around 1?”  the text read. I giggled a bit and texted back. “Sure, do I need to wear anything specific?” “casual clothes, I wanna play laser tag.” I smirked at the text. Little did the blond know I was a pro a laser tag. It was the only fun thing to do when I was in high school. “sounds good. See you at 1 :)” I replied. He answered back with a smiley face and I plugged my phone in and went to bed.


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