Chapter 13

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Ch 13

Harry’s pov.


 I was restless all day. I knew Lexi and Niall had a date, and I was wondering how it was going. Part of me was a little jealous, but a bigger part was hoping he didn’t mess it up.  When he got back he had the biggest smile on his face. I tried to look annoyed “I take it it when well?” I asked, frowning at him. “Yep.” He said happily. I frowned some more to make him think  I wasn’t happy about it. ‘Now to go from sweet and nice Harry to cocky Harry’ I thought to myself.  I knew Lexi had feelings for me, so I needed to make sure she lost them, and the only way to do it was to be cocky. While cocky worked wonders on other girls, to Lexi it was a huge turn off.


The other lads and I ended up going to Louis and Elenor’s room to watch a movie. I saw Lexi and went right to her, pulling her into a huge hug and kissing her temple before giving her one of my cocky smirks “Hello love.” I said. I could see her start to frown a bit as she turned around and started blushing. I looked up and saw Niall glaring at us. I offered him a cocky smile before walking to the couch. We ended up watching Anchorman 2, after Niall kept begging. Lexi ended up between us, ignoring both of us through the whole movie. I watched her as she got up and stretched, walking towards the window.


I got up and followed her. “care to go for a walk love?” I said as I  walked up behind her. “I don’t know.”  She said, hesitating “Just for a bit, the city is very pretty at night.” I said, placing a hand on her waist.I knew it was a bold move, one she wouldn’t be too fond of. “ Okay let me go grab my shoes and a sweater.” she said, turning to face me. “I’ll meet you in 5.” I  said, walking away, shooting a glaring Niall a satisfied smirk before heading out.


Within five minutes I was at her door. She  smiled at me  as  she walked out of her room. We made our way outside and started walking. “did you have a good time today?” I asked her. I saw her blush a bit at my question, which told me something had happened. “yea, I kicked Ni’s ass in laser tag” she said with a smile. I chuckled “I doubt he enjoyed that very much. He doesn’t like to lose” I said with a cocky smirk.  I noticed her frowning. “Hey no frowning, it makes me sad.” I  said. She just looked up at me. “Don’t worry, I don’t like to lose, and I don’t plan on losing to him.”  I said, flashing her a cocky smile. “Is this just a game to you? Do I mean anything to you at all or is it just because Niall likes me? If he didn’t would you have ever shown any interest?” She asked, angry. I was a bit hurt by this but I just kept smirking at her. If  I was going to play the cocky asshole I best do it right. “You are a very beautiful girl Lexi. Any guy who gets you is lucky. Can you blame me for wanting to be that guy? For wanting a girl as gorgeous as you for my girlfriend?” I said. She just glared at me. “I am sure there are far more beautiful girls than me who would love to be your arm candy.” She spat. The smirk dropped from my face. “I don’t just want any girl Lexi. I want you. And I will have you.” I said, before leaning down and kissing her. There was no fire in the kiss. It wasn’t like the first time when we had been drunk. I knew then that even if I was in it to win, I was going to lose anyways “I want to go back now” She said as she pulled away. “Okay” was all I said. I gave her a small hug when I dropped her off at her room, not letting the smile come to my face until I was sure she couldn’t see me.


I walked into the room I was sharing with Niall with the smile still on my face. “Did you have fun?” Niall asked me, obviously angry. “Yea, she’s a good kisser.” I said, winking at him. “You’re an asshole.” Niall spat, shoving past me. “where are you going?” I asked, worried that maybe I had gone to far. “To see Liam, the other girls went out.” He said, slamming the door behind him. I hoped I wasn’t losing my friend in trying to make him work to get the girl. I sighed and laid down on my bed, one hand behind my head, the other on my stomach and stared at the ceiling. ‘Maybe I should tell Lexi about my plan’, I thought. It would certainly make this easier.


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