Chapter 24

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Ch 24

Lexi pov

Thanksgiving was hell. My family had no idea what had happened in London, and I didn’t even know where to begin telling them, so I tried my best to fake being happy. My mom knew something was up and when she asked I just told her it was still jet lag.

Kat on the other hand knew what had happened. She was pissed at both Harry and Niall, and when both boys called my phone for what seemed like the millionth time she answered, telling Harry to give me some space. Niall was a different story.  Kat is usually very sweet and nice to everyone, so hearing her yelling and swearing into my phone had me in shock. “Listen you horrid little shit” she spat into my phone when Niall finally called,  “I don’t care how sorry you fucking say you are. Lexi is one of my best friends and you shattered her fucking heart. I don’t want to hear it, I said no I don’t give two shits about what you have to say. If you ever call her again I will literally fly to London, hunt you down and kick your sorry ass all the way back to Ireland.” She yelled into the phone before hanging up on him.  I just stared at her. “Sorry Lex but that’s as nice as I can be to him” She said, handing me back my phone. I just looked at it like it was from another planet before setting it on the table. “So I figured we could do a girls movie night. I invited my friend Autumn over, I think you two will get along” She said, trying to cheer me up. I just nodded and placed my knees under my chin.

Autumn was not what I was expecting. She had dark teal hair, her nose was pierced,  she had a full tattoo sleeve on one arm and was dressed in black skinnies, combat boots and a black Ramones t-shirt.  Her and Kat had met in the photography class she had taken. We ended up marathoning all the paranormal activity movies, laughing at how stupid they were, and for a few hours I forgot about the pain in my chest.  It wasn’t until I saw the text from Harry that I remembered it.

Hey Lexi, I know you’re probably still mad with me but I miss you. I’m so sorry for what happened” the text from Harry read. I sighed, I missed my best friend, and while I was still hurt, I needed him still. I picked up my phone and called him. “Lexi?” He answered after two rings, obviously surprised I called. “Hey Haz” I said quietly, I was still unsure of what I was going to say. It had been 3 weeks since I really talked to any of them, just the odd text reassuring them I was still alive. “Lexi, how are you?” He asked, choosing his words carefully. I broke down and started to cry “Haz I miss you so much. I’m so sorry I waited so long” I said sobbing into the phone. Kat and Autumn came over and sat on either side of me, rubbing my back “Shhhh love it’s alright. I knew you needed some time. I’m just glad you called. I missed you too” He said. I just cried more “Lexi, I have a few weeks off from recording starting Monday and I can be on an early flight to New York first thing to come see you. Is that okay?” He asked, and before I even bothered to think about it I said yes. I needed him. He was one of my best friends and I really missed him. “Okay I will text you once I am checked into the hotel and we can grab a bite and chat. I miss you too love” he said before hanging up.  Kat pulled me into a hug as I cried. “Did she just call her ex?” I hear Autumn ask. “No that was Harry. He’s one of my best friends” I told her. “He’s going to come for a visit. He’ll be here Monday” I said between sobs. “Ah ok” Was all she said in return as they both held me while I cried more.

** I know it's short, but theres 3 more chapters after this until the end :) **

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