Chapter 16

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**HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! sorry this is so short but eh **

Ch 16

                                                                    Harry pov        

I was running a bit late as I headed to pick Lexi up. I had gotten stuck in a bad bought of traffic, and had just gotten passed it. I had sent her a text while stopped letting her know I was running late, and she had told me it was fine. Once I reached the flat I sent her a text to let her know I was there. Within minutes she was getting into my Range Rover. “Nice car styles.” She said, giving me a smirk.  I was starting to feel like now that she knew what I had been planning that we could get closer and become really good friends

When we got to the shelter I was greeted  by Agnes, the elderly woman who ran the place, with a warm smile and huge hug. “Is this your girl?” She asked me. I just chuckled as Lexi blushed “No Ma’am, just a friend.” “Aye she’s a lovely girl. Too good for a rowdy boy like you” She said, laughing and poking me. I laughed with her as Lexi just looked confused.

Agnes put us right to work cleaning cages and with two of us it didn’t take too long. After that we got to walk some of the dogs. “How long have you been doing this?” Lexi asked while we were walking two very large mixed dogs. “Ever since I moved to London. I wanted to do something positive, and I love animals so I found this place. It’s not big, and that’s why I love it. No one here cares that I’m Harry Styles from One Direction. To them I’m just Harry. It’s almost like being back home.” I said, smiling. She smiled back at me. “I think that’s wonderful. I wish more people saw this side of you rather than you with a bunch of women.” She said. “The media see’s what they want to see.” I stated.  I really didn’t want to talk about my supposed reputation with Lexi.

On my end I thought the day was going well. We had finished at the shelter then had gone to some fast food place for lunch. We sat and ate in the Range Rover, talking and really getting to know each other.  “So why are you so distant with us?” I asked, shoving a few fries in my mouth. “What do you mean?” She asked. “You don’t seem to trust any one of us all that much, even the girls.” I said, studying her face. She was frowning. “ I told you what happened with my last boyfriend and my best friend” She said, frowning.  “yea, you did.” I said, choosing my words carefully. “I had been friends with him first, childhood friends. All 3 of us had been. Then something changed and we fell in love. It’s hard when the two people you loved and trusted broke that trust. It’s not something you just get over and move past. How am I supposed to fully trust anyone again after that?” She said with a sigh. “I can’t speak for the others but I know I would never intentionally hurt you or break your trust. Neither would Niall. The boy is crazy about you.” I said, placing my hand on hers. She looked at me with a small smile. “Thanks Harry. But it is going to take some time. I’m crazy about him too, and I don’t like lying to him.” “it’s not for much longer. The awards show isn’t far off and you can tell him you choose him. I’ll try and act all sad about it.” I said, offering her a smile.  She smiled back and was about to say something when her phone went off. “It’s Niall, he wants to take me to a movie later today.” She said. “I’ll drive you back now then.” I said. She smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

As I was driving back to my flat I couldn’t help but wish I could find a girl who was as crazy about me as Lexi was for Niall.

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