Chapter 22

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Ch 22

Harry pov

“Lex?” I asked her, she had just been standing there with the blank look on her face, and I was worried. It was like watching everything in slow motion after that. She crumpled like a paper doll, sobbing violently into her hands, making my heart break. I rushed to her side and wrapped my arms around her, trying to comfort her. She cried in my arms before passing out. I called Liam and asked him to come get us, telling him I would explain in the car. When he showed up I carried her bridal style down to his car, and sat with her in the back, stroking her hair as she whimpered in her sleep.

I explained everything to him, what I had done, what happened with Niall and also that Lexi had wanted to tell him but I kept convincing her not to. “Harry you really fucked up.” Liam said. I knew he was angry, he rarely swore. “I know Li. I just have to fix this.” I said. “How did you find out where they were though?” He asked me. “I went to the flat thinking she was there. Sophia told me where she was” I said. I regretted  it as soon as I said it. I could see the vein in the side of Liam’s neck pop, a sure sign he was really pissed and trying to calm himself down.

When we got back to the flat I took Lexi up and right into her room, covering her with the blanked before closing the door softly. It wasn’t long before I regretted leaving her in there. “What the fuck is wrong with you Soph? Why did you tell him where they were? What part of ‘ don’t tell anyone’ did you not get?” I walked out to Liam yelling at Sophia.  “ I didn’t think the idiot would actually go there. I thought maybe he had some brains but I guess I was wrong.” She spat back at him. “You know what Soph, we’re over. I have had enough. All you do is complain and badmouth my mates. And now this. You are partially to blame for all of this. Do you even care about that poor broken girl in there?” He said to her. “Get out.” Was all Sophia said. “No. I have a friend in that room who needs me, so I am calling the other lads over and we are going to take care of her. I don’t care what you do.” And with that he took out his phone and called the lads before heading into Lexi’s room.

Sophia left at some point, off to another friends or something, and the lads came over. Louis screamed at me for a good hour and I  just sobbed. I knew I had fucked up. The lads and I crawled into bed and cuddled Lexi. When I woke up Lexi was gone “She’s in the shower” Louis told me when he saw my concerned  face. “You fucked up major Haz.” Louis said again,  his disappointment obvious. “I know I did. I need to fix this.” I said. “We’ll try and help best we can, but in the end you need to sort it out with Niall on your own. For the sake of your friendship and the band.” Zayn said. I was about to answer when Lexi walked back in.

“I just called my mom. I am going home early for thanksgiving and I don’t think I will come back.” She said. “I can give you a ride to the airport.” Liam said Lexi just  nodded.  It didn’t take her  long  to pack, and within the hour she was hugging the boys good bye. “You’ll still talk to us right?” Louis asked. “Yea I just can’t be here, plus I don’t really need  to be anymore anyways.” She said. The way she looked was killing me. She looked so broken. I wanted to pull her close, and tell her I was going to fix it, but I knew it would only make it worse. 

When the car drove off I asked Louis to drive me home. I had a quick shower, and put on some clothes. I was angry. Angry at myself for being so stupid, and angry at Niall for not staying to listen to me, for walking out on her and breaking her like that. It was that anger that fueled  me as I walked over to Nialls flat, and right in.

He was sitting on the couch in his boxers, a beer in his hand. “What the fuck do you want Styles” He said, not bothering to look at me. I lost it. I wasn’t one who got angry often, or violent, but I had everything bottled up from the night before and I went off. I grabbed the remote out of his hand and shut his tv off. “Listen to me you little shit” I spat at him, his eyes widened as he stared at me. “you have no fucking idea what you’ve done, what you’ve just lost. If you had bothered to stay and listen to me you would have found out that she wanted  to tell you, and I kept convincing her not to. She made the mistake of trusting me, nothing more.  It is all my fault, my idea, mine.  She was going to tell you last night because she couldn’t lie to you anymore. It was killing her. I fucked up, I know that but so did you. You didn’t see the way she broke after you left. You didn’t have to hold her while she kept breaking in your arms. She was barley fixed from the  last time she was betrayed and you went and made it worse!” I yelled at him, tears streaming down my face.  He stood up from the couch “So because she cries now you have to come in here and tell me more lies? What did she get tired of putting out for you Harry?” he spat at me. I punched him, hard. He fell back onto the couch holding his face. “I never had sex with her, never did more than kiss her. You know me and know I’m not like that, and you should have known her well enough to know that aswell.” I spat at him. “What have I done?” He said, finally realizing that everything I had been saying was the truth. “I’m still mad at you Harry. I don’t know if I can forgive you but I need you to drive me to her and Sophia’s flat. I’ve drunk too much” He said. I shook my head. “It’s too late Niall she’s gone. She packed her things and went home. And Liam and Sophia are over as well. Don’t ask about that” I said with a heavy sigh. He just stared at me “she’s gone? What am I gonna do.” He said as he started to cry.  I just left him there and called Liam and told him what had happened and that Niall needed him. I needed to be alone.

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