Chapter 12

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Ch 12


Lexi pov




I had decided on going for a Katniss Everdeen look for laser tag with Niall, which he commented on when he picked me up. “you better believe it Horan.” I said, smirking. The ride was quiet. Once we got to the laser tag place Niall went to set us up for the next game, taking pictures with a few fans on the way. I just smiled watching him with the fans.


Soon we were being given out packs and told the rules. I knew all this already and just waited until the doors opened. I was going to stalk Niall and make him my prey. I smiled to myself at that thought. Soon the doors were opening to let us into the game. I stood up on my tiptoes to whisper into Niall’s ear “You’re going down Horan” I noticed him shudder before I took off, a smirk on my face. 


I walked around, shooting at complete strangers, before going to search out my main target. It wasn’t long before I found him. “hey Ni” I yelled at him. He turned around “I thought I lost y..” he started to say before I cut him off by shooting him. “Oi! Not fair!” He yelled. I took off running, “THIS MEANS WAR!” I heard him yell behind me and I laughed.

I beat him in the first three games, which caused him to pout like a baby. . “Aww cheer up cupcake” I chuckled, poking his shoulder. I stuck his  tongue out at me. Once the doors opened he bolted. I giggled and started looking for him. Not having any luck I went up onto one of the lookouts to see if I could see him from higher up. I don’t know how he managed to sneak up on me but suddenly he was behind me. “gotcha” he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I turned around to say something but was stopped when his lips pressed to mine in a firm but passionate kiss. I was shocked at first but slowly started kissing him back, running my fingers through his hair. His kiss set my body on fire, and I never wanted it to end. “eww get a room” I heard as Niall pulled away. I looked past him and saw a kid making a disgusted face at us before shooting Niall. I couldn’t help but giggle as he turned around and pouted at me. I bit my bottom lip, wanting him to kiss me again but the lights came on, signaling the end of the game.


We grabbed a quick bite to eat before he dropped me off at my room.  “ I had fun” I said when we got to her door.. “ I’ll see you in a bit. Louis wants us all to go watch a movie later.” He  said, kissing me on the forehead and walking away. I sighed and walked into my room, flopping on the bed with a groan. What was I going to do?  How was I going to choose between the two boys?


I fooled around on the internet for a while before my phone went off. It was a text from Louis asking me to come over for the movie. I threw a pair of slippers on and walked down the hall to the room Louis was sharing with Elenor. I knocked and was greeted at the door by El, who was smirking at me. “did you have fun today?” she asked, winking at me. I just blushed. Obviously she had heard Niall kissed me. I wondered if he had told all the guys.


I walked into the room and was attacked by Louis “Lexi! I missed you! These two were being me to me” he pouted at me, pointing to Niall and Elenor. I just giggled at him and patted his head “Poor boo bear.” I said, which only made him pout more. I noticed Niall was keeping some distance from me while we waited for the others. We didn’t wait long, and Harry pulled me into a huge hug, kissing my temple when he saw me. “hello love.” He said, smirking at me.  I wasn’t so sure I liked the cocky side of him. I turned around to see Niall glaring at us and I blushed. 


We ended up watching anchor man 2, after much begging and pouting from Niall. I ended up stuck between Niall and Harry again, but I just tried to ignore them as much as possible. I was still confused, and being with the both of them only made it worse. I didn’t think I was going to be able to choose between them.


When the movie was over I got up and stretched, walking towards the window to get a good look at the city. “care to go for a walk love?” I heard Harry say as he came up behind me. “I don’t know.” I said “Just for a bit, the city is very pretty at night.” He said, placing a hand on my waist. He was getting bolder, and I wasn’t so sure I was okay with that. “ Okay let me go grab my shoes and a sweater.” I said, turning to face him. “I’ll meet you in 5.” He said, walking away and heading out. I sighed and said goodbye to the others before heading to my room.


As planned five minutes later Harry was at my door. I smiled at him as I walked out of my room. We made our way outside and started walking. “did you have a good time today?” he asked me. I blushed a little at his question. Why did he want to know how my date with Niall went? Niall never asked me about my date with Harry. “yea, I kicked Ni’s ass in laser tag” I said with a smile. He chuckled “I doubt he enjoyed that very much. He doesn’t like to lose” He said with a cocky smirk. I frowned at his words. “Hey no frowning, it makes me sad.” He said. I looked up at him. “Don’t worry, I don’t like to lose, and I don’t plan on losing to him.”  He said, flashing me a cocky smile. “Is this just a game to you? Do I mean anything to you at all or is it just because Niall likes me? If he didn’t would you have ever shown any interest?” I asked, angry. He just kept smirking at me. “You are a very beautiful girl Lexi. Any guy who gets you is lucky. Can you blame me for wanting to be that guy? For wanting a girl as gorgeous as you for my girlfriend?” I glared at him. “I am sure there are far more beautiful girls than me who would love to be your arm candy.” I spat at him. His face turned serious at that. “I don’t just want any girl Lexi. I want you. And I will have you.” He said, before leaning down and kissing me. I wanted to push him away and yell at him but I couldn’t. I was trapped in the kiss. It was nothing like Nialls. It didn’t send heat through my body like his did. It was nice, but it was cold. “I want to go back now” I said as I pulled away from him finally. He looked at me sadly. “Okay.” Was all he said. He gave me a short hug when we got back to my room, and I walked inside, sighing as I laid down on the bed.


** Decided to post today as a christmas present to anyone following the story.  Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you have a wonderful day.  Please don't forget to vote :) **

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