Chapter 23

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Ch 23

Niall’s pov.

“Do you think she’ll like the dress?” I asked Liam. We had been away for a few days for some interviews and had gotten back a couple of days ago. I hadn’t spoken to Lexi since we got back and it was killing me. But I needed this surprise to turn out perfect. Liam and I were finishing setting up the lights “Yea I do. You know what she likes and so does Caroline” He said, hanging up the last strand.  We both stepped back to admire our work. “I should get home and shower and change. I told the car to pick her up at 7, and it’s 4 now” I said. I was nervous, more than I had been in a while. “Alright mate. Good luck” Liam said, patting me on the back.

I was putting the finishing touched on the table when Paul texted me to tell me she was here. I stood beside the table and waited for the lift. My jaw dropped when she stepped out of the lift. The dress fit her perfectly and she was beyond stunning. Her hair was lightly curled, just enough that it brought out the waves in it, and she had kept her makeup simple. She never wore much on a normal day, it was one thing out of many that I loved about her.

  “Oh my god” I heard her say as she walked towards me  “You look stunning”  I said, pulling her into a hug “You did all this for me?”  she asked “Yep. We even have a nice light dinner coming. But first, I want to dance with ya.” I said, letting her go to turn on some music. I had decided on “kiss me” by Ed Sheeran and I could see her soft smile as she recognised the song. I lead her  to the little spot I had  left for dancing and wrapped my arms around her waist, smiling when hers encircled my neck “I thought you had given up on me when you didn’t talk to me for two days” she whispered.  “Unless you tell me you have no feelings for me I don’t plan on ever giving up on you.” I said, cupping her cheek with my hand.  I  was about to kiss her we heard the ding that signaled the elevator. We both turned to look, thinking it was the food. It wasn’t, it was Harry. I watched him as he came rushing out of the lift.

“Harry what are you doing here?” I heard Lexi ask, clearly surprised. “Yea Harry what are you doing here” I said,  pissed that he had interrupted us. I looked at Harry, waiting for him to answer. “I wanted to stop you before you said anything stupid.” He blurted out, his expression changing to that of a deer caught in the headlights when he realized what he had said. “Whaddya  mean somethin stupid?” I asked, looking from Lexi to Harry, confused. “Forget it mate, verbal diarrhea. I came to tell you, you win. I’m giving up.” He said, looking at me. I raised a brow “Okay what’s really goin on. Harry doesn’t give up on anythin that easy.” I asked, turning to look at Lexi, who just shook her head. “It’s nothing Niall. Harry is just being an idiot.” She said with a sigh.

I took a step back. “No, it isn’t nothin. You two have been texting non stop since we left. I know you guys have gotten closer, now I’m startin to wonder just how close.” I spat, clearly thinking the two had done more than just kiss. “I’m not that kind of girl Niall. How could you even think  that? I’ve been texting you too, or did you forget that?” she said, it was obvious she was hurt, but I was so angry I didn’t care. “Well how am I supposed to know?  You’ve kissed him more than ya have me, he’s had more physical contact with you than I have. What am I supposed to think?” I said. I saw her look at Harry and my blood boiled. “Ni we’re just friends. Nothing more.” Harry said, stepping towards us. “Right cause friends kiss each other and act all lovey dovey . Ya know I thought I could do this. Fight for you. But I don’t think I can, not when you are playing us both.” I said, stepping away from both of them, I was hurt. “Niall…”Lexi started to say. “No I don’t want to hear it.” I said cutting her off as I started to walk away when Harry grabbed me  by the shoulders.  “Niall listen to me, and believe me when I say everything was my idea.  Yes at first I wanted Lexi, but when I saw you kiss her for that dare I knew I didn’t stand a chance. She knew it was you as soon as you touched her, and it wasn’t your aftershave. But I knew if I backed off, you wouldn’t have to work for her as hard as you have. I wanted you to know what it felt like to actually work  for a girl, to earn  her love and trust. So I made this whole, lets both date her and she who she chooses thing fully expecting to lose. I even went so far as to be way too cocky. But that didn’t end well and I got afraid of losing her as a friend. So I told her.” As Harry finished that sentence I couldn’t help but look at Lexi, even more hurt than I had been a second ago “You knew?” I whispered, and she just nodded.  I stepped away from Harry. “Ni..”  Lexi  tried to say, trying to come closer, but I took another step back, raising my hands to stop her.

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