Chaper 3

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Ch 3


I spent the rest of my spring break with the boys, or rather mostly with Harry and Niall. The other guys took most of the week to spend with their girlfriends , leaving the two single boys to amuse themselves, which meant they decided I needed their company. I wasn’t complaining, I loved hanging out with the two. It got a bit awkward when we would get stopped by fans, some asking if I was dating either of them, and some giving me dirty looks.

My flight home was the day before theirs so both Niall and Harry had decided to see me off. “I’m gonna miss you two weirdos.” I said as I hugged them both. “We will text you every day.” Niall said, “And skype call you as much as we can.” Harry added.  I just nodded at them. I really didn’t want to leave, but I had to go back to school in a few days and in a few short weeks they would be starting the European leg of their tour.  “Don’t forget I’ll see you boys when you play in jersey.” I said with a smile. “Right, but that’s so far away.” Niall pouted. The final boarding call for my plane sounded and I hugged the boys one last time before boarding my flight home.


Kat picked me up from the airport with a huge hug. “I missed you roomie! How was your trip?” she asked and I just smiled. I told her about meeting the boys and spending the week with them. “Oh my god I am so jealous!” she squealed. Unlike me, Kat was a super fan. She was devastated when Zayn proposed to Perrie since he had been her favorite of the boys.  “From the sounds of things it seems like maybe both Niall and Harry have crushes on you. What are you going to do about that?” she asked me, sounding serious. “I think you’re wrong. I don’t think either boy likes me as much more than a friend Kat.” I said to her. She frowned at me but didn’t say anything else about it.


Once I got back home I texted Niall and Harry to let them know I got home safe. Both of them said they were glad and that they missed me already. I couldn’t help but smile at that. I still couldn’t believe the last week had even happened. It was like a dream, or something out of a story.


The next day went by really slowly. The boys went back to the UK and couldn’t text while on the plane.  Late that night I was I was catching up on some shows when Kat burst into my room with her laptop. “lex you need to see this.” She said, shoving it in my face. I looked at the screen and my eyes went wide with shock. There on the screen were pictures of me with Harry and Niall, never all 3 of us together but just ones where I was hugging one boy or the other. I scrolled through and read what the article said. People were wondering who I was and if I was dating one of the two boys, or worse, dating them both.  

Just as I was scrolling I got a text from Niall. “Skype. Now” was all it said.  I asked Kat to leave and signed into skype and started a video call with Niall. “I take it you saw the thing on the internet?” He asked. I just nodded. “Tell her we are taking care of it.” I could hear Harry in the background before he came to sit beside Niall. “We are so sorry Lexi. If we had known we were being followed we would have  been more careful.” Niall said. “It’s okay guys. You will clear everything up and life will go back to normal.” I said. Both the boys still looked a bit upset. “I just don’t like that they said we were both dating you. We have an interview about the tour tomorrow. If we get asked about you we will make sure everyone knows that you’re just our very good friend.” Harry said with a small smile. I smiled back at him. I knew the boys would protect me as much as they could.


I chatted with the boys for a few more minutes before they had to go. Once I logged off skype I went to talk to Kat. “So are they gonna fix it?” she asked me. “Yea if they get asked about me they are just gonna say I’m a friend, which is the truth.” I said. She just nodded.

The rest of the weekend went by far too fast and with Monday came my first day back to school. I was a bit nervous. The boys interview had been all over the place. Many people talking about the new girl, some people speculating that saying I was just a friend was a cover and that I had to be dating one of the boys. Hell I was even all over tumblr, people shipping me and Harry or me and Niall. Thankfully the boys had never said my name.


That morning was pretty quiet. It wasn’t until lunch when I went to Starbucks that I got stopped.  “you’re that girl that was with Harry and Niall aren’t you?” Some random girl said to me. I just blinked at her and gave her a stupid look until she gave up and walked off.


Things died down after that. Since I wasn’t being seen with the boys I got forgotten, and I was okay with that.  I talked to Harry and Niall every day, and some times the other guys if they were in the room during skype calls.  The boys kept telling me how they wished they didn’t have to wait so long to see me again. I wished the same thing and told them that.

I finished my year at Uni and passed my classes with high marks. I had decided to take the next year off  to decide what I wanted to do and if I wanted to take something else or go off and work. I had been telling the guys this, thinking I may want to be a drama teacher but that I hadn’t decided.  Kat had gotten a summer job at a magazine, and I was happy for her. I had yet to figure out where I was working for the summer.

Two days after my exam results were posted there was a knock at my door. I don’t really know what I was expecting to see when I opened my door, but it certainly was not Harry and Niall standing there with the biggest grins ever on their faces.


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