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**Dedicated to the most amazing Aquarliam for voting for each chapter she reads and generally being awesome in everyway. ILY babe ***


Niall stayed for two weeks, and during those two weeks confirmed our relationship on twitter, facebook and anywhere else he could think of.  He was going back on tour once the album was done and was not to happy about it. One night before we went to bed he had asked me if I had ever thought of school in London. We talked and the next day I had sent off a couple of  late applications to go  attend  one of the many theater schools in London. I got lucky and was accepted into one, although I was a bit suspicious about it since I was all over the news and tabloids as the story of Niall coming to win me back had made its way all over the world. 

Niall and I had agreed that since he was only going to be in London for two months before the tour started that I would use his flat. I ended up going to Ireland the day after Christmas to meet his family and spend New Years with him. My semester in London didn’t start until February so I spent January planning my move. The  day before I was to leave I had a going away party that Kat had planned for me. All of the guys had shown up, along with Eleanor and Perrie.

When Autumn showed up I introduced her to Niall, and she reminded him about what she would do if he hurt me again. Niall took it in stride and it wasn’t long before she was playing video games with Liam and Zayn. When Louis and Harry showed up I introduced them to her. There was something in the way that Harry looked at her that made me smile, a smile that only grew bigger when he complimented her tattoos and she blushed. I had never seen Autumn blush around a guy. I knew a bit about her past, and I was hoping maybe Harry could help her realise not all guys are bad. It was why I was so quick to introduce them.

After a wonderful, yet sad party it was time for the final goodbye. Kat and Autumn both saw me off, Kat bawling like a baby about how much she was going to miss me, and Autumn saying how she couldn’t wait to take my place, obviously joking. Both girls had decided to room together since I was leaving and Autumn hated her old roommate.  I sat beside Niall on the flight, wrapped in his arms, where I knew I belonged. There were finally no more secrets, no more Little White Lies.

** Thats it. there is no more. Will start posting she's not afraid on Monday. Hope you guys  liked the story. please vote for it and send me comments. I respond to all I get :) **

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