Chapter 4

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Ch 4

“What are you doing here?” I said, my voice almost a shocked whisper. Both boys just smiled bigger “we came to see you silly.” Harry said, stepping forward. I stepped aside and let the boys into my apartement. “We had a few days off and we decided to come see you.” Niall said, hugging me. “And we needed to talk to you about something” Harry said, a serious look on his face.

 I walked over to the couch, the boys following me, and sat down. Niall and Harry sat on either side of me. “What’s going on?” I asked, a bit worried. “we know you have been having issues trying to find a job while you sort out what you want to do” Niall said. I just nodded, I had told them all this. “Well we talked to management. Our current social media  person  wants to move on and do something else and we suggested that you take over handeling the bands twitter, and going on tour with us for the rest of the tour, taking pics and tweeting them and all that” Harry said. I just stared at him, my mouth open. “I think you broke her mate.” Niall said, chuckling a bit. “I don’t know what to say. I hardly even use my own twitter and you want me to run the bands?” I asked, still in shock. “Yea, we want more candid pics of us on tour tweeted out for our fans to see. We used to do tour diaries and twitcams but things got so busy and we feel like we are kind of neglecting them. And who better to get candids than a friend?” Niall said. “Management will pay you, so you can still pay for your bit of rent here” Harry added.  I didn’t know what to say. It was a huge opportunity. I would get to see most of Europe and a good few cities here and Canada. “Do I need to do anything?” I asked. “You would have to come back to London with us tomorrow and sign all the papers. I’m hoping you have a passport?” Harry asked me. I nodded. “My parents took me to the carribean last year.” I said and they nodded.

I was about to tell them yes when Kat walked in. She had yet to meet the boys and I knew she was going to freak out, which she did as soon as she saw them. “OH MY GOD!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE HERE!” she squealed. The boys just stared at her like she was crazy. “Guys this is my roommate Kat. Kat the boys.” I said. Both the boys smiled at her and said hi. She spent the next 10 minutes gushing over them before asking why they were there. “They want me to be their new twitter person and go on the rest of the tour with them.” I told her. That set her off again “OH MY GOD LEXI YOU HAVE TO DO IT!” she screamed at me. The boys looked at me, slightly terrified of my roommate and I laughed at them. “I was about to say yes when you burst in here acting all crazy fangirl.” I said. The next thing I knew I was being piled on, both boys and Kat had jumped me, squealing in excitement. “Okay get off you fatties” I yelled from under the pile. They all got off and looked at me with fake hurt expressions. “what time is the flight tomorrow?” I asked the boys. “sadly it’s at 5AM.  You will have to pack now and spend the night at the hotel with us” Harry said with a bit of a pout. “that doesn’t give me much time. I have to call my parents and tell them what’s happened.” I said and they just nodded. I made the call to my parents. They didn’t really understand but were happy I had found a decent job while I took a year off.

It took Kat and I an hour to pack everything I thought I would need for the next 6 months. Harry and Niall continued to remind me that I could always buy anything I forgot while on the road. After a tearful goodbye to Kat the boys and I jumped into a black car that had been waiting downstairs and headed to the hotel. “we weren’t sure you would say yes so we only booked one room” Harry said sheepishly. “We did manage to get you a plane ticket tho, first class with us” Niall added with a smile.

The room had two queen beds, and it was decided that Niall and I would share a bed since Harry pouted at the thought of having to sleep in boxers. It was a little awkward having to share a bed with Niall. He slept in only pyjama bottoms, and watching both boys walk around shirtless was a form of torture. I honestly couldn’t deny that both of them were gorgeous. It was even worse when Harry crawled into bed while Niall was in the bathroom and threw his boxers at me with a wink after taking them off, which I know made me blush.  When Niall crawled into bed I was very aware that he was there. I hadn’t shared a bed with anyone since my ex.

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm a little hazy and confused. I could feel arms wrapped around me and it took me a few seconds to realize it was Niall. It felt good to be cuddled by him, and when the alarm when off and he rolled over I couldn’t help but feel a bit of disappointment. Harry got out of bed first, a sheet wrapped around his waist, and headed into the bathroom. He came out a short while later in jeans, t-shirt and a headband on his head. We all got ready to go and were at the airport by 3:30. After we got all checked in  we waited for our flight. I must have dozed off because I was woken up by Harry saying it was time to board the plane.

First class was nice, although I slept the majority of the flight into London. The boys nudged me awake when we were over the city. It was breath taking from the sky and I got excited as we started to land. As we were getting ready to leave the plane I noticed the two burly security guards for the first time.  I looked at the boys. “There are probably going to be fans and paps here, so you might want these” Harry said, handing me his beanie and sunglasses that he took from his carry-on. I smiled at him and put them on.

He was right, the place was packed with fans and photographers, all shouting and asking who I was. The boys just ignored them and we were rushed through and into a black SUV with blacked out windows.  “wow” Was all I could say once we were in the safety of the vehicle. Niall chuckled. “Is it always going to be like that?” I asked. “and worse” Harry said. “How do you guys do it.” I said, shaking my head. “We love our fans and we love what we do.” Harry said with a smile, and Niall just nodded in agreement. “You are going to be staying at my place for the next few days before we head off to Dublin” Niall said. “If you are seen staying with me it will be in all the papers and will be a huge scandal” Harry said, noting my confused face. I just nodded. I knew Harry’s rep, and also knew it was complete bull.  I met with management later that day after stopping at Niall’s and having a shower and changing. Once all the papers were signed I was given the new password to the official twitter along with a blackberry to use while I worked for them. I was told that I would get sent emails of promotional things that I needed to tweet, and was encouraged to interact with the fans as much as possible. 

The boys were scheduled to play at some small thing later that day and were at rehersal, so I was taken to them. It was all very surreal and felt like a dream. When I got there all 5 boys gave me hugs and we just hung out for a bit before they had to do one last sound check.  I took that opportunity  to take a picture of them, tweeting it with ‘at rehersal for tonight. Who’s excited?’  followed by a hashtag that I was told to use.  I spent the next few minutes tweet back to some of the more creative fans, giggling when they went crazy about being replied to.

After that first day the next few flew by in a blur. I was having fun with the guys and with the new job I was entrusted with. Pretty soon we were on another plane off to Dublin for a few days of Tv things before their shows there. This time I got my own room and I couldn’t understand why a small part of me was a little saddened by that.  I like the guys, but I was really close to Niall and Harry, and found myself missing both of them when they weren’t near me.   Could I like them more than friends?  I hoped not.

** This chapter is deciated to Sky who kept pestering me to update sooner than I had planned to. Here ya go lol Also please dont forget to vote!! **

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