Chapter 17

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Ch 17

Lexi pov.

I had a wonderful time spending the day with Harry. It was nice getting to see his softer side, the real him. Maybe I could open up to someone other than my parents and Kat. When he wasn’t playing games, Harry was actually a very decent and caring guy.  It made me feel a bit guilty for wanting Niall over him. But there was just something about the Irish boy that set him apart from everyone else.  The feeling I got whenever he touched me was so different from other guys, including my ex. I never felt that kind of heat before Niall.  I wasn’t sure it was love, but I knew I couldn’t ignore it.

Harry had dropped me off at the flat at around 3, and Niall was picking me up at 6. That gave me  3  hours to myself. I decided to have a bath, since I really hadn’t had one in months. Hotels don’t always have bathtubs, and being on tour doesn’t leave much time for baths either. I ended up using a body wash that Sophia made my buy that smelt like bubblegum. I sat and soaked for a good while, taking my time and enjoying the peace and quite. Once I got out I used a lotion bar that was the same as the body wash. I wanted to smell really good.

Niall was right on time. I smiled at him when he met me at the door to the flat, giving him a big hug. “Oh you smell good. Were you baking?” He asked me, his eyes lighting up at the thought of food. I giggled at him. “No just had a bath and used some new stuff.” I said with a smile. “Mmm  I like it”  He said, sniffing at my hair.  We ended up going to see some horror movie since both of us preferred them.

“that girl was so stupid. Why do they always make girls in horror movies so stupid? Like why would you run into a bathroom with no windows?” I said as we were walking out of the movie.  He chuckled at me and pulled me in for a side hug as we walked. “I have no idea love.” He said. “do ya wanna grab a bite? I’m starved.” He asked me. I just nodded with a smile “sure”. “I’m gonna take you to the best place on earth.” He said, opening his car door for me. “Okay.” I said with a smile.

It wasn’t long before we were pulling up outside of Nandos. I just chuckled. I should have know it would be a matter of time before he took me here. It was no secret that this literally was his favorite place to eat on earth. The place was packed but we managed to get a seat towards the back of the restaurant. “you’re gonna love this place.” Niall said with an excited smile. And he was right. The food was wonderful, and there was never a drop in my conversation with Niall.

“I know this is a bit forward but would you come back to my flat with me? I’m having fun talking with ya” he said with a blush, handing his black card to the waitress. I nodded “sure.” I couldn’t help but blush as well.

We ended up talking for a few hours. I told him about my past, and every thing that had happened with my ex. He just hugged me and told me no girl deserved that. I found out about his past, about his family and what he would have done had music not worked out. I don’t know when we fell asleep but  when I woke up I was wrapped in his arms. It felt right. I felt him stir and I looked up at him. “Mornin love.” He said with a sleepy smile, kissing my hair. I blushed “Morning.” I said back with a smile.

We just laid there for a few minutes, cuddled up before nature decided to take over. “Ni I have to pee.” I said, sitting up and running my fingers through my hair. “Alright love.” He said, pouting a bit. I smiled at him and got up, wandering into the bathroom.

** I know its super short, but I hate filler so much. I'm sorry**

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