Chapter 25

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Ch 25

Harry pov

I missed her, I missed my best friend. But I knew that if I missed her this much, Niall was missing her more.  He had tried to call her a few days after she left and got screamed at by her roommate Kat, something neither of us expected. I wasn’t the only one she was avoiding, the other lads didn’t get much in response to their texts either, just enough to let them know she was still alive.

That’s why when she finally called I rushed out of the recording studio as fast as I could “Lexi?” I asked, hoping it really was her. “Hey Haz” I heard her almost whisper  “Lexi, how are you?” I  asked slowly, and she started to cry “Haz I miss you so much. I’m so sorry I waited so long”  she sobbed. “Shhhh love it’s alright. I knew you needed some time. I’m just glad you called. I missed you too” I said, she continued to cry and I knew I needed to actually see her, hold  her. “Lexi, I have a few weeks off from recording starting Monday and I can be on an early flight to New York first thing to come see you. Is that okay?” I asked, she blurted out a yes without seeming to think about it. “Okay I will text you once I am checked into the hotel and we can grab a bite and chat. I miss you too love” I said, hanging up the phone.

“So she called ya?” I hear Niall say from behind me. I turned to face my bandmate, who still looked like shit. The past few weeks had not been good to him. He had apologised to me for some of the stuff he said. We weren’t back to best mates again but we were working on it. He had begged me to help him get Lexi back. At first I wasn’t going to, but after seeing him go downhill so fast in the last 3 weeks, and hearing Lexi cry on the phone I knew they needed each other.  “Yea she did. I’m going to see her Monday.” I said, and he just nodded. “Hey don’t look so down. I have a plan, I just need to make sure that it will work.” I told him. I saw his eyes light up a little bit. “ I need to call Ed, because we will need his help for this.” I told him, pulling out my phone and calling Ed. I talked to the ginger singer for a few minutes and he agreed to help. Once I was done on the phone with him I explained the plan to Niall. “Do ya think it’ll work?” He asked me. “That’s what I am going to find out. Ed’s show is that Saturday. If I think she would respond well, and not try and kill you I will let you know and you can fly in on time and Ed will have time to work it out.” I said to him. Soon the blond Irish by was hugging me. “Thanks Haz.” He mumbled into my shirt. I rubbed his back “If you screw up again I won’t help you. Just remember that” I said to him, as he sniffed and nodded.

The weekend went by really slowly. I was anxious to get to New York and see Lexi, but I still had to record some vocals for the new album over the weekend. As soon as we were done Sunday night I rushed home and packed, my flight was at 3am and I didn’t want to miss it. I got into New York in the  early morning and went straight to my hotel. I set an alarm so I would wake up at a decent time and drifted off to sleep.

It wasn’t my alarm that startled me awake, but my phone actually ringing. I checked it and noticed it was Lexi. “Hello love” I said, my voice even more raspy than usual due to being sleepy “Oh I’m sorry I woke you up didn’t I?” She asked me. “It’s alright love my alarm would have gone off soon anyways” I lied “Oh okay then. I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch then? I’ll cook since Kats at work until 5” She said, and I could tell she was a bit upset. I checked the time on my phone, it was only 10:30 “Sure  I can be there for noon if that works? I just need your address” She rattled off her address which I took down and hung up.  I decided to hit the gym in the hotel before showering and renting a car to take me to Lexi’s flat. 

I was a few minutes early to Lexi’s , so I texted her to let her know I was here. When I got to the door of her building she was waiting for me, and greeted me with a huge hug. “I’ve missed you so much Haz.” She whispered “I missed you too babe, how bout we head in cause I’m a bit chilly” She looked up at me with a small smile before we headed up to her apartment.  It was small but cozy, and smelled like heaven “What did you make?” I asked, sniffing around. She chuckled “It’s a stew and it’s in the slow cooker. It should be ready now if you want some” She said, and I grinned. She took down two bowels and filled them both with the stew, handing me one with a spoon.  “This is delicious” I said, having finished half of my bowel already before speaking “Thanks” She said, smiling at me. We talked as we ate, nothing major, just general chit chat before she dropped the bomb “So I saw a picture today. It looks like Niall has moved on” She said, obviously depressed. I almost chocked on the bit of stew in my mouth “What are you talking about? I saw him yesterday and he never mentioned anyone new. In fact he’s been really depressed since you left” She furrowed her brows in confusion before getting up to grab her laptop. “well explain this then” She said, pointing to a gossip page with the headline ‘Niallers new lady?’  I laughed when I saw the picture. “That’s  Perrie’s cousin, they aren’t dating” She was still frowning “How do you know? She’s gorgeous” Lexi said. “Well I know because you are more her type than Niall is” I said with a laugh, her expression changing to one of surprise. “Oh” Was all she said as she closed her laptop.

“You know he misses you” I said, walking up behind her as she washed the bowels. “I miss him too Haz but he really hurt me. The things he said are not things you say to someone you claim to care about” She said, turning to look at me. I pulled her in for a hug. “ He was angry, and he doesn’t always think when he is angry.  One time he kicked a metal door because it was locked and he needed to get inside.” I said, chuckling slightly at the memory. “He isn’t the brightest always is he” She giggled. “Well he let you get away so I say he’s pretty stupid” I said, kissing her hair before pulling away. “Thanks Haz” She said, smiling at me. “Hey would you like to go to a concert Saturday?” I asked her. “It depends on who’s concert” She said with a smirk, obviously teasing me. I smiled “Ed Sheeran. I just have to call him and say you’re comin. You get to meet him too, and Ill even brave front row just for you” I said, winking at her. Her face lit up “Oh my god yes! I love him. What am I gonna wear? Oh god” She started to ramble then and flit around her apartment. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. “Just wear jeans and a shirt. No need to look fancy for Ed. Always best to be comfortable” I said, still laughing. “you boys are all the same” She said, tossing a throw pillow at me, hitting me in the face. 

We ended up hanging out all day, and once Kat got home I had dinner with the two girls. I left their place at about 11 and was completely Knackered.  I sent Ed a text telling him that Lexi had said yes to the concert and that the plan with Niall was a go. Then I called Niall, knowing I was waking him up. “Do you have any idea what time it is here Harry?” he grumbled into the phone. “Yes I do, but this warranted a call. The plan is a go. She misses you and though you were dating Perrie’s cousin” I said. “The one who’s a lesbian? Yea we saw the pictures in the gossip mags.” He said with a sigh. “Will it work Harry?” he asked me. “I think it just might Ni. I’ll see you Saturday” I said, hanging up the phone after his goodbye and drifting off into sleep.

** 2 more chapters after this and Little White Lies is done :) feedback is always welcome **

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