Chapter 5

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Ch 5


 While we were in Dublin I got to meet Niall’s family. They came to see the boys perform their first night there.  All the boys were happy to see them, joking with his brother and sister in law.  I took loads of pictures backstage, and posted a few of them to twitter and Instagram.  I noticed that the comments by the fans were very positive. They seemed to be happy to be getting more of a look at the boys lives.


It wasn’t long before Harry and Louis asked me to help them with a vine of them pranking the band, which I did, trying my hardest not to laugh.  I loved being around the boys. They were goof balls and little shits with their security, always running away from them. They always kept things interesting.

The one thing I didn’t enjoy all too much was life on the bus. It was cramped and the boys were messy and loud. And being the only girl on the bus had downsides. They had taken to pranking me as well. Nothing too bad thankfully, and I think that was partially because Niall and Harry had decided to protect me most of the time.

I loved seeing Europe. I got to go sight seeing while the boys had to work, and I loved every minute of it. We decided to head to Canada a little early to have a few days to relax and the boys had a tv appearance as well.  I was super excited because we could all legally drink in Toronto, and hadn’t had much time for fun while in Europe.

The bed in the hotel was far to temping. I laid down on it, just to relax a bit and ended up passing out. I woke up to Niall stroking my hair “Lexi, time to get up love” He said softly. I moaned and opened my eyes  “you have really pretty eyes”  I said, before blushing, realising that my inside thought had ended up as an outside thought.  I could see Niall blushing as well. “Thank you, so do you.” He said with a smile, and I melted a little. “Why are you here?”  I asked, sitting up on the bed. “We were going to go out for a few drinks tonight, thought you would want to come.” He said. I smiled at him “Sure just let me shower and get ready. I’ll come find you when I’m done.” I said. He nodded and smiled at me. “we will probably be in Liam and Zayn’s room. They have the PS4 hooked up in there.” He said, getting up to leave me to get ready.


I showered and blow dried my hair straight.  I decided to do my makeup and did a dark smoky eye. I put on a black dress with short sleeves and black heels. I felt like looking girly. I grabbed my phone and Id and stuck both in my bra before heading to Liam and Zayns room. “Damn girl you look fiiinneee” Louis said as he opened the door. “Thanks lou, you don’t look too bad yourself” I said with a laugh. “Oi no hitting on Lexi boobear you’re mine” I heard Harry say as I walked in. He stopped when he saw me and it almost looked like he was shocked at the way I looked. “hey lex…” I heard Niall say and turned to look at him, he had a look of shock on his face. I suddenly felt very self conscious “What’s wrong? Do I look okay?” I asked, tugging at the hem of my dress, worried it looked stupid. “You look stunning babe” I heard Liam say as he walked over to give me a hug. I just smiled shyly at him. “Thanks Li.”


We ended up going to a small, exlusive club in downtown Toronto.  We knew we wouldn’t be bothered by fans there, since it was usually only celebrities or the very rich who got it.  The music was good, and it was awesome to be able to go out and drink.  I had had a few too many and I could tell the rest of the boys did too, other than Liam who never drank. Always Daddy Direction to the end I thought to myself.  At some point in the night Harry asked me to dance, and in my drunken state I said yes. It wasn’t exactly  the pg style of dancing I was expecting. He pressed his body against mine, and if I said I hated it I would be lying. The boy was hot, and despite them all saying they couldn’t dance, he had some moves. But something about it didn’t  fit right. I shouldn’t be dancing with my friend like this  I thought to myself.  It was then that I realised, that as hot as Harry was, I couldn’t think of him as anything more than a friend. Which only made things more awkward when we went back to the hotel and he walked me to my door. “Tonight was fun” I said, looking up at him with a smile. I meant it. “You look so beautiful tonight Lexi” He said. I blushed. “Thanks Harry.” “You’re cute when you blush” he said, smirking, stroking my cheek with his hand before leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips. I froze. I didn’t know what else to do and I didn’t want to lead him on. He tensed up feeling me freeze and pulled back quickly. “I’m so sorry Lexi. I shouldn’t have done that.” He said looking at the ground. “Let’s just forget it happened. We are both drunk and tired.” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with a sad smile. “goodnight” he said as he turned to walk away. I sighed and turned and went into my room. Confused at what had just happened.


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