Chapter 6

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Ch 6


 As I got ready for bed I couldn’t stop thinking of Harrys kiss.  I didn’t think I felt anything more for him other than friendship, but I couldn’t deny that kiss didn’t stir up things inside me. I wasn’t sure if it was simple lust or maybe the beginnings of something more.

Another part of me felt guilty. I had a crush on Niall and I have for a while, though I haven’t told anyone else about it, not even Kat. Ever since being cheated on I don’t really trust guys, and with them being international popstars, the temptation was always there. And even though we weren’t even dating somehow I felt like I had betrayed him by enjoying Harry’s kiss.

 I woke up the next morning, still confused and now hungover.  I went online to check things and noticed a couple of pictures of the boys and I out last night. I found a couple of articles about it, many speculating that I must be dating one of them.  I sighed and shut off my laptop and went to have a shower.

When I got out of the shower I went to go get my clothes. As soon as I left the bathroom I stopped dead. There, sitting on my bed was both Harry and Niall. Harry looked at me and blushed and Niall just grinned at me. “You’re running late love, so we were sent to get you.” Niall said, handing me my clothes. Harry wouldn’t look at me. “okay gimme a bit” I mumbled and went back into the bathroom to get dressed.


When I came out of the bathroom, only Harry was sitting on my bed. “Where did Niall go?” I asked him. “Liam wanted his help with something. And I stayed because I wanted to talk to you.” He said. I just nodded, I knew what he wanted to talk about. “I’m sorry about last night. You were right were both drunk and I shouldn’t have done it.” He said, standing up and walking towards me. “But you looked to beautiful I couldn’t help it. I think it should be obvious by now that I like you as more than a friend lexi.” He finished, taking my hands and looking me in the eyes. His beautiful green orbs seemed to stare right into my soul. Did I feel the same way about him? I wasn’t sure.

“It’s alright Harry.” I said with a sigh. “I am not sure how I feel about you right now. I’m a bit confused. Can you just give me time to figure things out? It’s hard for me to trust after what happened.” I told him.  He simply nodded, giving my hands a squeeze and letting them go. “Take your time love, I don’t want to rush you with anything and I want you to one hundred percent feel the same way about me.” He said with a small smile. “ Thank you.” I said, smiling warmly at him.


We headed out to the tv station so they could prep the boys. They were doing some exclusive thing for much music that would last about and hour, and then we were going to do the tourist thing. When we got there it looked like there were thousands of girls there already, and the boys wouldn’t be on for another 4 hours. They had already started to close off the street outside the building.


Having been on tour with the guys for the past month I knew their fans were dedicated, but it still shocked me to see it. I ended up taking a picture from an upstairs window and tweeting it from the one direction account, saying that “we” were excited to see all the fans already there, and couldn’t wait for the show later that day. 


The show went well, and the boys stayed and talked with a few of the fans after, taking pictures and signing things. It was clear that they loved their fans. I  posted a tweet  thanking the fans for showing their support and saying the boys loved them.


Once we were all done, we opted to go back to the hotel instead of sightseeing since there was still a crowed of screaming girls waiting for them.  “I think I need a nap.” Harry said once they got back. “Too much to drink last night Haz?” Liam asked. Harry just nodded “Yea. I’ll see you guys later.” He said, giving me a small smile before  heading to his room. The other boys decided their free time would be best spent skyping with their girlfriends, leaving Niall and I  alone. “Do you want to hang out or?” I asked Niall. I could see his face light up at the question. “I know the other lads don’t really want to go out but we’ve been here before and I always wanted to go to the tower thing, the big one.” He grinned. I had to admit that I was curious about it too, “Okay, though maybe we should get some more information about it?” He nodded and I went and called the front desk to ask.


 I found out it was the CN tower and other information, such as there was a restaurant, which immediately got the Irish boy’s attention. “Do we need to make a reservation?” He asked.  I nodded “yea you do.” He pouted for a minute before picking up the phone. “ what are you doing?” I asked.  “Making a reservation. You and I are going out for dinner”  He said, smirking at me.  “but they book up at least a month in advance” I said. “Well there have to be some perks of being an internationally famous pop star” he said with a smirk. First he called the front desk for the number, and then used his own phone to call the restaurant.  “Hi yes I’d like to make a reservation for tonight. Yes I am aware. No it has to be tonight we have a show tomorrow. Niall Horan. Yes that Niall Horan. Yes. Okay thank you very much.” He hung up the phone and looked at me with a pout. I guess his celebrity status didn’t help him “We have a reservation for an hour from now. Go get ready and dress nice, it’s a fancy place.” He said, a huge grin on his face. I just stood there staring at him with my mouth open. “I told ya lass, perks of being famous” he said with a wink. I slapped his arm playfully. “I’ll  go get ready then” he chuckled. “I’ll be at your door in an hour love.” He called after me as I headed to my room.


I grabbed a quick shower  and dried my hair. I decided to leave it wavy and did a simple cat eyeliner look with a pale lip. I slipped on a sundress I had brought with me and a pair white flats. I didn’t look overly dressed up, but I still looked good.


A few minutes after I was done I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to find Niall wearing black skinnies, a white shirt with a leather jacket over it. I had to admit he looked really good. He just smiled at me “Shall we go?” he said, offering me his arm. I giggled and took it.  Downstairs Paul was waiting outside a black car. Niall opened one of the back doors for me and I climbed in, followed by him.  Paul got into the drivers seat and we were off.


The restaurant was gorgeous, and the views it offered of the city were breathtaking.  We ended up with a seat close to the windows so we could look out. We got a few stares, but mostly people kept to themselves.  A waiter came to take our drink orders. Niall ordered some Canadian beer, and I ordered on of the house cocktails. “I don’t know what to order it all looks so good.” I said. “Me either. And I don’t think it would go over to well if we ordered the whole menu.” He said with a little chuckle. I giggled, knowing he would if he could.


When the waiter came back to take our order, I ordered a steak and he ordered beef ribs. Until today I had no idea beef ribs even existed.  When the food came I looked wide eyed at his plate. “Oh my god that’s huge!” I said. He had only gotten one rib, but it looked like something from the Flinstones.  “I know.” He said, a huge grin on his face. We ate in a comfortable silence, except the one time he tried to steal a bite of my dinner and I almost stabbed him with my fork.  We decided to share a piece of chocolate cake after and chatted while we ate that.


With dinner came a pass to go to the lookout and glass floor, which we did. Niall took a picture of us in front of a window with an amazing view. “look.” He said, showing me the picture. “I’m going to post it on Instagram, that okay?” He asked me. I nodded the okay and then checked it when he was done. “Me and my bestfriend Lexi at the CN Tower.” Was the caption he used.  There were already so many comments, most saying they loved him. What caught my attention were the ones saying I was pretty or that we looked like a cute couple, as well as the odd ‘OTP’ comment. There were also some hate comments about me, but I tired to just ignore them.


Paul drove us back to the Hotel and Niall walked me to my door. “Thanks for comin with me Lex. It wouldn’t have been as fun to go alone.” He said. “Thanks for taking me.” I smiled up at him. He leaned down and gave me a hug which I gladly returned. “see ya tomorrow.” He whispered in my ear before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek and walking away.  I stood there for a moment, my hand on the spot where his lips touched my cheek. First Harry and now Niall. Granted the kisses were completely different from each other, but still.  I had no idea what I was going to do with these two. I just knew that in the end, this couldn’t end well.



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