Chapter 8

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Ch 8


 The next few days were thankfully uneventful. We took a flight to the next venue and then were on a bus for the American dates.  For the show in Jersey I got to see Kat. The boys had sent her all an all access pass so she could hang out with me all day. “ Damn those two got it bad.” She said, looking at Niall and Harry. I looked up and saw that they were both staring at me, looking away quickly when I caught them. I sighed. “I don’t know what to do. Harrys already kissed me. And Niall is too much of a gentleman to make any kind of move without asking.” I said to her. “Well Niall is sweet. And Harry has that bad boy things going for him.” She said. I laughed. “ Harry is more like a puppy than a bad boy. And it was Niall who punched the guy in Toronto, not Harry.” I said. “Excuse me?” Kat said, her eyes wide. I told her about what had happened at the club. “Gotta love that Irish temper.” She said almost dreamily. “ I don’t know Kat. They are both famous and travel the world. There is so much temptation for them, and I’ve been hurt once already. I can’t go through that again.” I sighed.  “I know Lexi, but the other guys stay faithful. I think if you decided on one of them the rest would make sure they weren’t tempted.” She said, putting her arm around my shoulder. “I still don’t know. I kinda like them both. I mean Harrys kiss, even though  it wasn’t forceful was still kinda hot. But every time Niall touches me I feel like I’m on fire.” I said. “Wow Lex. Good luck.” She said, hugging me.


After the Jersey show things cooled off with Harry and Niall. They were so busy they didn’t have too much time to talk to me, which I was okay with.  Once the tour ended they boys went back to LA for an awards show. There was a few days break in between, where all they had were a few interviews and tv performances.  The girls all decided to come visit, and for once were going with the boys to the premier


I was sitting in a hotel room with the girls while the boys were off at some interview. We were all talking and Sophia asked me how the tour was. “It was a lot of fun. I’m kinda sad all this is almost over. I enjoyed spending time with them.” I said. The girls all gave me sly smiles. “What?” I asked, confused. “Harry and Niall fancy you” Elenor  said.  I looked at her in shock. “Oh so you know? What are you going to do about it?” Perrie asked me. “I have no idea. I have been kind of ignoring it to be honest.” I told them. “Do you like either of them back?” Perrie asked again. I nodded. “I kind of like them both. But I am not too sure what to do. I don’t know how you guys don’t worry about them cheating.” I said. The girls nodded. “We trust them. We know they love us.” Sophia said. “I know you’ve been cheated on, Liam told me. But I don’t think Harry or Niall would ever cheat. Despite Harry’s rep as a womanizer you should know by now it’s all rumors.” She added. I nodded. “I just don’t know.” I said. “well you might want to figure out if you want either of them soon. If you hurt them I won’t be to happy. And I don’t want some one coming between them either. You can’t lead them both on. So sort it out.” Perrie said. I just stared at her. “ I haven’t been. And I have no intentions of leading either of them on. I haven’t given either a reason to think I want them. I don’t even know which one of them I like more. I’m just so confused.” I said, putting my face in my hands. “Why are you confused?” I heard a male voice say. I turned to see the boys standing there. It was Zayn who had asked the question before walking over to give cuddle with Perrie. “ She is trying to decide between Peeta or Gale” Elenor said as she walked over to Louis, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. I shot her a thank you look and she just smiled at me. “you girls are weird.” Louis said.  We all laughed at the Doncaster boy.


We had all been hanging out  and goofing off when Perrie suggested we play truth or dare. I was a little nervous but went along with it anyways. The dares the boys gave each other were hilarious. Louis had dared Harry to make a vine of him doing something stupid  in just his underwear. I couldn’t stop laughing when it was my turn. “Dare.” I said.  Perrie looked at me with a mischievous grin and I regretted my choice immediately. “I dare you to let us blind fold you and have one of us kiss you. Then you have to guess who it was.” She said with a smirk. I sighed, knowing I couldn’t say no. “Okay.” She clapped her hands together excitedly and ran off to get a scarf to use as a blindfold. Once blindfolded I was even more nervous. “Okay we have picked who is going to kiss you. Once they have you can take the blindfold off an guess.” Elenor said. I just nodded, the suspense killing me.  I could feel someone getting closer, and judging by the smell of their cologne it was one of the boys. I felt a hand cup my face gently, pulling me closer. The kiss was soft and gentle. His lips tasted sweet and for a moment I thought I knew who it was. He pulled away and seconds later I was told I could take off the blind fold.  My suspicion was confirmed when I took it off. All the boys had smirks on their faces, but Harry.  He looked annoyed, maybe even jealous.  “It was Niall.” I said. The blond boy blushed a deep red and nodded. “How did you guess?” He asked. “Your cologne” I lied. He just nodded, looking down at the floor.  The girls all exchanged looks. “I’m knackered. Lou can we go to bed now?” Elenor said, stretching. The other girls did the same and their boyfriends didn’t object.


Since we were  in Harry and Niall’s shared room the other left, leaving me and the two boys alone.  “I think the three of us need to have a chat.” Harry said. I looked at him confused, so did Niall. “What about?” I asked. “The fact that both Niall and I fancy you.” He said, looking from me to the blond boy. Niall looked at Harry “I didn’t know you fancied her too mate” he said, looking a bit sad. “I do, but I don’t think she fancies either of us.” Harry said, looking at me. I blushed and looked down at the floor. “I like both of you.” I mumbled. “were you ever going to say anything or were you just going to let us both make fools of ourselves?” Niall asked me. “ I wasn’t sure what I should do honestly. I was trying to figure out how I felt before letting you both know. And I’m still confused. I don’t know what I want, or if I really want anything at all.” I said. I could see Harry smirking. “Ni, I think we should both try for her. Not taking things too far of course, but each of us take her out, spend some one on one time with her. Then let her decide. We have the Britts coming up in a month or so, I say, we give her until then, and whoever she chooses takes her to the awards show.” He said with a mischievous look on his face. “I don’t know Harry. This doesn’t really sound like you.” Niall said, obviously confused. “No girl is worth having if you don’t have to fight for her at least a little bit.” Harry said, obviously challenging Niall. “What about you? Are you okay with this? With both of us taking you out, trying to win your heart?” Niall asked me.  I sighed. “Either I’ll be able to choose one of you, or I will just end up more confused and I am not sure I am okay with that.” I said. “How about if you can’t decide we both give up? And leave you be?” the blond suggested. Harry nodded in agreement. “Okay” I sighed, while both boys smiled huge. “Great. Since Niall has already taken you out on a date it’s my turn. Be ready by 5 tomorrow evening, and dress casuall.” Harry said. I just looked at him “Okay?”I said confused. “Now off with you, go get some rest.” He said, shooing me out of their room.


 I went back to my room, flopped onto my bed and called Kat, telling her what had just happened. “Well just be careful Lexi.” She said, before saying goodbye and hanging up. I had no idea what to make of the whole situation


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